Jaein's question

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Bonus chapter #3 super duper short sequel

I heard Mommy laughing outside my room and I could also hear Daddy. I looked at my right and saw Junho-oppa on dad's laptop.

I went outside with my Barbie dolls on my hands. Appa was chasing Mommy. I want to join, my brother is so lazy to play. He's boring.

I saw a booboo on mommy's neck.

I walked to her and tapped her arm. "Hello Jaein..." She carried me and kissed my cheek. "Mo--"

"Jaein!" Appa shouted and pointed on his cheek. I ignored him and faced Mommy. "Yah~" Appa whined and pouted.

I laughed and faced mommy again. "Mommy what happened to your neck?" Her eyes went big like my teddy bear's head.

I saw Appa doing the same. "Oh haha..I accidently burned myself while cooking, yesterday." She touched it and laughed. Appa was looking at me and mommy.

"But you cooked ramen for dinner yesterday. And why is it so pink? I know when you get burned like this.." I showed my scar on my arm. "It should be pink..."

Appa picked me up and chuckled. "Jaein~ do you want me to buy you a lolipop?" I nodded excitedly.


Your POV

Woah, that was close..

You followed Jungkook to the room. He was getting his wallet. "Jungkook-ah." He looked at you. "Thank you for distracting Jaein." He laughed.

"Yeah...our kid is just too smart..like me." he said. You scoffed. "Its your fault!" You said. "What?"

"You gave me this stupid thing on my neck!" You blamed him and he smirked. "Cause that means your mine and mine only." He said with deep voice.

You backed away and you bumped on the wall, he pinned you against it and was about to say something but--

"Appa!!!!!!!!" Jaein knocked on the door. He walked to the door and looked at you. He smirked. "Im not yet done."


Lol sorry guys, its too short and sorry if Jaein's POV was kind of mature, i just dont know how to write it. By the way...thank you guys! Bye💕

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