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"Y/n." He said weakly.

"D-dad." You tried wiggling your wrist to get out of his grip. "Let go of her you bastard!" Yoongi gave him a punch.

"Yoongi, what's-- don't hurt him!" Your mom shouted as she stopped Yoongi. "Mom! Do you want to get hurt again?! I would protect you from hi--" A punch cut off Yoongi.

"Oppa!" You shouted, getting mad. Yoongi was on the floor and your dad was looking at him. "You're so weak, Yoongi. You don't know how dumb you are."

He got into your nerves, you got the nearest pot and hit your dad's back, but he was undestructable. (OA much)

He grabbed your neck, "You don't know what your doing." He smirked and let go of you, he looked at your mom and approached her.

Both of you were on the floor, shocked, but you don't want your mom hurt so you did your best to get the broken piece at the floor.

It was sharp and you didn't want to do tjis but you have to. You looked at Yoongi and he nodded his head. You stood up and slowly walked to your dad.

"You were my dad, but never became a dad to me." You said and caught the attention of your dad.

If I stab him I killed a person and might end up being the suspect...well

"No, no--" You sliced the broken piece on his arm, as he screamed in pain. "That's what you deserve to get!" You said in gritted teeth. (Does that make sense)

"I called the police." Your mom said as she helped Yoongi. You crashed on the floor, panting, you can't believe what you just did to your father.

"Are you okay?" Your mom hugged you both as she helped you stand up.

"Mom, why aren't you moving a while a ago? Were you scared?" She nodded and you laughed.

(Your dad was in jail, after he got his arm healed.)


"We want you to marry Ara, Jungkook." His mom said.

"Mom, but the girl that I wanna marry is just Y/n. I don't want that Ara." He said, holding your hand tightly.

"Auntie, she always bully me in school, one time she tried pushing me in the rooftop, she even slapped me." Ara faked her cry, while smirking at you.

"You! How dare you do that to my daughter?!" Mrs. Lee grabbed your hair as Jungkook tried stopping her.

"Y/n, what happened to you? You were a good child, then this is your future?" Mr. Jeon said.

Tears fell as Mrs. Lee stopped grabbing your hair. You ran away, hurt.

You woke up in the middle of night, and said. "Wow, I didn't know my life is like a movie."


You went to the dorm with your brother, you always go there everyday but you still sleep at your house.

You sometimes cook for them, clean their rooms, and help Jin in chores.

You went inside and got surprised by them looking gloomy. "What happened?" You asked.

"Our maknae is at the hospital."


A/n: hello! Do you like it? I wish you did. Now you know who's the person at the door. Jungkook didn't show his abs on their prom party...😭. Haha...Thanks! Bye👋!

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