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(A/n: before the chapter starts..I'll just tell you, THE TRAILER IS SOOO GOOD!also creepy)


Jungkook POV

I'm packing up for Busan, I'll be leaving tomorrow. I told my hyungs I'll leave and I don't know when I'm coming back.


The next day...

"Hyung! Im off! See you soon!" I waved at my hyungs. Me and Yoongi-hyung planned a secret. I don't know how to tell Y/N so, I told hyung to just keep it as a secret.

Y/N is a crybaby, I don't want to see her cry so I decided to not tell her.

"Where is Kookie going?" Jimin-hyung asked.
"He is just visiting his friend." Yoongi-hyung answered. The other hyungs were confused. Yoongi-hyung just gave them the 'just go with the flow' face.

"Ahhh~ bye! Take care!" Jimin waved. He is just doing that cause he's happy but maybe he's still mad at me. And I'm more mad than him😒.


I arrived at the subway station. Finally I'd have a chance to see my family again! My hyung, my mom, and my dad. I smiled at the thought but it faded when the thought of Y/N came into my mind.

I feel so bad for not telling her. "Sir, sir. Sir!" The ticket girl (?) called. "Yes?"

"Here is the change." She gave me the change and called. "Next!"

Wow! I didn't know that I was staring at nothing for a minute.

I waited paitiently for the train. Once it paged, I went into the train and sat.

This will be long.

End of JK POV


He arrived safely at the staion in Busan. Jungkook can't stop thinking about Y/n.

He then called a cab (A/n: because he used the uvoo javer but I thought he never went to uvoo javer😂).

He arrived at their house as he rang the doorbell. The door revealed his brother, "DONGSAENG!!! WAHH YOU'VE GROWN SO MUCH!!!" He shouted. Jungkook put his finger to his mouth as his brother pursed his lips.

"Eomma!" He called as he ran with open arms. "Who are you? Where is my son?" She asked teasingly. "Hehe..How are you?"

"I'm fine. Where is Appa?"  He asked. "At the storage room." Jungkook went up excitedly. He then knocked on the door and entered. "Appa!" He sounded like a kid.

He turned around. "Jungkook? Wow! Is that you?" Jungkook's father gave Jungkook a bro hug.

"Appa, what are you doing?" He pointed at a small box on the table.
"Just looking at the old pictures" he said sadly. "Just looking at those, it makes me want to bring the old days back"

Jungkook saw a picture of Y/N and him. "Oh? It's still alive?" He exclaimed


"Yah! Kookie! Do you want a picture?"
"Yeah" they used to use the old camera back in the days when they were kids.

Y/n told her dad to take the picture " Appa~ can you take a picture of me and Kookie?" Her dad got the camera and giggled because of her cuteness.

Y/n put her arm around Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook did the same.

Then the picture was taken.

End of Flashback!

He smiled at the picture. He heard the door click meaning his dad left the storage room.

He looked through the album that has "Jungkook and Y/n" written on it. There were pictures of them together when they were kids. The album wasn't full and it made Jungkook frown.

Is she okay? Is she doing well? What is she doing right now? Do I text her? I miss her already. His thought that made him even more sad.

"Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Jeon called from downstairs.


While eating...

"Kook, why are you so down at the moment?" Mr. Jeon asked.

"Oh, nothing.." he smiled.
"You don't want the food that I cooked?" Mrs. Jeon asked. "I know its your favorite." She continued.
"Yah! Worried?" His brother added.

"I think, I just don't have any appetite." He replied. "Mihanae" he politely bowed down as he put his plate in the sink.

He went to his room. He lied down. And hugged his pillow. He got his phone from his pocket and opened SMS. He went to your contact.

He typed:

Yah! How are you? Then he erased.

I mis Then he erased again.

"Well good night." He put his phone away and stared at the ceiling. He closed his eyes as he thought of you and Jimin in the cafeteria and slept. A tear dropped from his eye.


The next morning...in Seoul

It is 10 in the morning, alone again in the house. A song was playing on your phone while you are in the shower washing.

When you got out your phone rang. "Yeobeoseyo?"
"Jagi~ Good morning~"
"Yah! Jimin!" You said as your cheeks heated up.
"Heheh...are you going here?"
"Well...yeah, I just finished showering"
"Okay...I'll see you take care!"
"Yeah see you"
And the call ended.

You changed to comfortable clothes, specifically an oversized hoodie which is Yoongi's, leggings and slippers. You also brought your purse to put your phone, extra napkin😁 and money.

While walking you passed a convinient store and paused for a while What if I buy them Ice cream..wait seven? Seven cups or cones? Cones will do.

You walked in and brought seven cones of Ice cream. "Have a nice day ma'am" the old lady said as she  passed you the plastic bag. "Thank you you too!" You waved.


You knocked on the door. Surprisingly, Namjoon answered.


A/n: wow this is long but sorry for the lame update....what will be the next..i can't think

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