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Min Yoongi was your older brother, 5 years older than you and Jungkook. He is already 20 years old. A member of the same group called 방탄소년단, where Jimin and Jungkook is also included.

You know he lives in a dorm with his 6 friends. You didn't know Jimin and Jungkook lives there too.

You also learned that the boy you beated up was their leader. You got nervous, Yoongi might know. You just tried to hold your temper as their secret was revealed. You thought Jimin would break up with you if he saw you get mad.

He saw you already pinch their leader but he didn't know that it was you.

You, Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook are at the table chatting. You felt left out since you are the only girl and you miss your bestfriends.

"So, Jungkook...who was the girl that beated up Namjoon-hyung? I will get that girl." Jimin asked.

Jungkook took a glance at you then he looked back at Jimin. "A girl beated up Namjoon? WOW!" Yoongi expressed.

"Umm, i-it w--" You cut Jungkook off by excusing him. "Sorry, can I talk to Jungkook for a bit please?" You said as you pulled Jungkook. They just looked at the both of you leave as they changed the topic. "So tell me...what happened to you and Jungkook last Thursday?" Yoongi asked Jimin.

You led Jungkook upstairs, beside the stairs. "Please dont kill me, please don't kill me, Please." He made an X with his arms.

"What are we gonna do? He might know and get me like what he said." You scratched your head.

"I--This is the first time I saw you like that..." He said as you shot him a glare.

"Ok, I'm sorry" He apologized. "Maybe he will not do that cause he likes you😒" he continued, expressionless.

"I know!"
"You know?"
You realized you almost slipped off everything.

"I don't know" You replied as he changed his expression to blank again.

"Ok lets just play it cool.." you said.


"Sooo, who was it?" Jimin asked. "It was her." Jungkook pointed at you. "Woah! Nice buddy! You really got my atittude huh?" Yoongi messed your hair.

"Hey! You!" Jimin went near you as you got nervous. He put his hands on your cheeks as he squished your face. "That's so cute!" He said as you giggled.

"Uhhh, Dongsaeng do you have to tell me something?" Yoongi said.
"Urmm, Jimin i--"
"We're in a relationship" he cut you off.

A/n: hello! I'm happy that you still read this book even though it was lame. Thanks! That's all I have to say. Bye!

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