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You put ointment on Jimin's left lip as he flinched. "No, it's fine. It won't hurt" You said. They had a fight a while ago, You knew that this would happen.

You held his hand as you carresed it with your thumb. "You shouldn't have done that, you know that Yoongi-oppa gets mad real fast." You look up at him.

"We're in a relationship" He cut you off.

Jungkook sighed and went out. You flinched when he slammed the door close.

Yoongi stood up and pushed Jimin to the wall. Yoongi grabbed his jacket as you tried to stop Yoongi "Oppa! No!" He pushed you as you hit your back at the table.

Yoongi gave him a big blow. Yoongi went back to his room and he slammed the door shut.

You're still in pain. You saw Jimin already sitting at the floor with closed eyes. "Jimin" You called. "Jimin!" You tapped his cheek. You bent down at his level as you helped him stand up. You let him sit at the chair.

You tried to resist the pain in your back just to get the first aid kit. I really messed up...😧 You thought.

~End of Flashback~

You heard something click, and it might be Yoongi. "Oh, I need to go now." Jimin said. "Ok, take care" You replied as you try to get up properly. He hugged you goodbye.


"We're in a relationship" Jimin cut off Y/N.

I sighed heavily as I hold my temper. I shouldn't hurt Jiminie-hyung. I went out of the apartment unit as I slammed the door rudely.

I pressed the button of the elevator. As soon as I enter the elevator, my tears fell down.

It really hurts since I like Y/N, but sadly she already has someone. I hate my life.

//time pass//

I pressed the doorbell of our dorm. The door opened and it revealed Jin-hyung with crossed arms. "What took you so long? And why are you without Jimin?"

"Hyung, can you please let me in first?" He made way for me. I told him what happened. They were surprised that Yoongi-hyung was Chubs older brother.

Then it came again to Jimin-hyung. "Chubs and Jimin is in a relationship..." I said bitterly as I exited the scene.

I closed our room door (maknae line's room) as I flooped on my bed. I bit my lip hard until I tasted blood.

My phone ringed, Y/N texted. I forgot, I gave her my number already.

Hey, Are you okay?

I'm sorry


Jungkook, please reply back

I read her text. IDGAF! I don't wanna go to school on Monday. I don't wanna see their faces. I don't wanna see them together.
I hate everyone!

I heard the (main/entrance) door open and it might be Jimin the Jerk. "Oh...Jimin, what happened to your face? Who did that?" I heard Jin-hyung faintly.

"It's nothing.." He laughed it off. "I'll go rest ok?" He continued. I put my blanket over head, I know it's obvious. But I don't want to see him. I put on earphones. And gave myself a nap to forget everything that happened.


A/n: this is sooo lameeeeeeeeeee. I can't think of anything anymoreeeee
I don't know who is in the pic, Jungkook or Taehyung. Happy birthday Sehun!!! BTW thanks. Bye!

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