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You and your friends were walking out, they were ahead of you. They know what your teacher talked about.

Then suddenly you felt a hand cover your mouth and you were dragged away from your friends...

You were slapping the hand as a muffled scream came out of your mouth.


Dahyun POV

We were walking ahead of Y/n, I noticed she was quiet but she is always noisy. "Yah! Y/n-ssi, I really don't understand how did he--" I cut Eunbi off by tapping her shoulder.

"Y/n is gone" I muttered. She looked back and her eyes widened. "What if Jimin kidnapped her?" She asked worringly. "Oh Boi! We gonna bury someone alive!" I cracked my knuckles.

"Hey, calm down buddy." She held my shoulder. "How would I calm down?!"


You and the stranger stopped behind a big tree. You were screaming louder then you bit his hand. "OW!" He pulled his hand back.

You looked at him ready to kick his 'pepper'. "JUNGKOOK!" You went nearer to him as he stepped back. "Woah, woah chill." He is not scared as before.

You crossed your arms. "I forgot your studying here now." You said and walked away. "YAH!" He screamed but you ignored him.

"Y/n!" You saw your friends running to you. "Where did you go? We were so worried!" Eunbi said, catching her breath. Dahyun ran up to you and hugged you.

"You got us so worried, we thought Jimin got you and hid you somewhere." She said as Eunbi carresed your hair.

"Tell me, who was it?" She pulled back, ready to fight. "You don't need to, it's just Jungkook."

"Oh...okay" She calmed down really quickly. "Let's go." Eunbi said.


Jimin POV

I went home right after I saw Jungkook with Y/n in school. Hyungs are still at school so I'm alone.

I felt so jealous seeing them together. Yes, I totally regret cheating on her and it really hurts me inside.

I went into our room and throwed my bag with full force and it hit the wall hard. I got the pillows that was near me. I don't know whose pillow it is but I didn't care.

I messed the whole room then I screamed and felt a warm tear roll down on my cheek. I pulled on my hair and sat on the floor, sniffling and sobbing.

I heard the door open. "Jimin-ssi?" I heard Taehyung ask, shocked.

"What?" I looked at him. "Why did you mess the whole room?" I looked at him emotionless. "Hyung." He turned around and closed the door.

"Jimin-ah, ireowa (come here)." Namjoon hyung held my arm and led me in the living room.

I sat next to Jin-hyung and buried my face on his chest, like a kid. I cried until I felt his shirt soaked in my tears. I feel him patting my back. "Jimin...it's okay."


One month later...

Jungkook got back to his phone again. Barely talks to you and hangout with you. And every dinner he eats as fast as he could.


You lied down on your bed and plugged your earphones on your ears. (A/n: of course you'll plug it there...you don't want to plug it in your nose right? Also...its called 'ear'phones...I'm so crazy)

You listed to sad songs that make you sleep but you couldn't sleep. You just hummed to the song. You were tapping your phone to the beat.

A few moments later you felt thirsty. You wanted to drink water, so you went down with your earphones still plugged on.

You were so into the song and not noticed on what you stepped on. "Ah." You whispered holding your foot but you ignored the object and went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

You leaned on the kitchen table and drank the water. You saw the object.....your eyes widened. A lipstick?

It maybe my mom's. You walked to it and looked closer. Oh this seems expensive--wait mom and I share one lipstick. And her lipsticks aren't this branded.

You turned to your right and saw an unpleasant sight.


A/n: heyyy....suspicious? Is the chapter okay? Can you guess, what was the unpleasant sight?

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