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(I forgot to say, it is Wednesday's sports fest -Author)

Maybe they're going to buy ice cream...

You shrugged the thought. You told your friends on what happened as you entered the classroom.

"Woah! Dude, you must be happy...you saw Jimin." Dahyun said.

"I WASN'T SURE!" You shouted back as Dahyun covered my mouth.

All of the class looked at you even Eunbi who was sleeping, woke up. You blushed because of embarassment.

"Ah! Hello, someone's sleeping here..." Eunbi said, annoyed. "Sorry..." you said as you held up the 'V' sign.

They all went back to their things as you buried your face with your palms.

~Sport's fest~

Your class is combined with the other class, Class-A. You all are going to run in a 500-meter race for the sports fest. You started stretching. While stretching, the teacher told the boys to go first.

While the boys were running, you saw the boys who you ran into a while ago. There you saw 6 boys, again you are sh👀k, they look so cute in PE uniforms. And you saw Jimin. You noticed him looking for someone. He turn his head to your direction, you suddenly held your breath. He smiled and waved at you. You, of course blushed. You waved back, smiling shyly to him.

He put his attention back to the race as you noticed them all cheering for someone; "Kookie! You can do it!"

Kookie? Kookie is the name of your childhood bestfriend. He can't be here, he left a long time ago. He said he will be studying in a big school near their house, is this the school he was talking about? All of the memories you had flashed back in your mind.

Yes, he was the first one to finish. You know Jungkook as a fast runner, could it be him?

You went to your friends, and told them about Jimin, but you didn't tell them about 'Kookie'.

You didn't notice, you're staring blankly at the court where they ran, thinking of nothing. "Hello? Are you okay?" Eunbi waved her hand in front of your face.

"Oh! Yeah!" You replied. "You've been hella acting weird today." Dahyun exclaimed.

"Next Girls!" The host said. (I know it's lame-A/N)

The teachers picked you, Dahyun, Eunbi, Ara (the brat), and Hyorin (the nerd). Both of Ara and Hyorin are from Class-A.

A gun was heard so it meant you need to run and the girls ran as fast as they can, of course the last one will be Ara.

She acted like she tripped, but she did it on purpose, she started shouting; "Kookie Oppa!"

That name still keeps you confused. You didn't notice you are slowing down. You were ranked 3rd.

Arghhh! You, Kookie...whoever you are! You made me lose on the race!

But you're happy for your friends Dahyun was ranked 2, and Eunbi was 1st.

You sat on the bench, still confused. You didn't see his face, you just saw his figure.

~time pass~

It was lunch break and you have no appetite to eat. You decided to go to the rooftop.

"Dahyun, Eunbi, I'm going to the rooftop"
They knew you always go there so they didn't worry.

Once you get there, your heartbeat increased.


A/N: Sorry guys for cliffhangers and, short chapters. Yeah that's all. Love you ARMYs!

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