Darker Than Love | 4

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Michelle's POV

"I don't want to get up, Deborah." I sobbed, wrapping my arms tightly around her body. Securing her from who knows what.

"Babe," she chuckled softly as if she weren't dying in my hands right now. "You need to let me go, okay. This was payback for all the things I've done wrong and taken advantage of."

"Whatever you did, it doesn't justify this!" I exclaimed loudly, hating to hear those cruel words leave her lips when they weren't the slightest true. She was a good person, she didn't deserve this. "Who did this Deborah, who hurt you?"

Her shaky hands cupped my cheeks, and a tear slipped down her cheek. "Kaleb." She whispered as she brushed away my hair.

"Stay with me Deborah, the ambulance are on their way." I cried as I tried to block out the name she mentioned.

It can't be kaleb, it isn't kaleb. "I was meant to be killed, not you!"

"Wake up, Michelle!"

I snapped my eyes open and immediately my eyes interlocked with the figure towering over me. His hand shot out towards me and he swiped his finger under my eye, wiping away a tear that slipped down my cheek.

"Damn if this is how I wake up every morning then I don't wanna live here." His voice snapped me out of the slightest comfort that I was feeling and anger immediately surged through my body as I pushed myself upwards.

"Get out of my room you asshole!" I shrieked. He smirked and slipped off my bed. His eyes slid towards my nightstand and he suddenly frowned. "Sleeping pills?" He asked.

I followed his gaze and quickly pulled the bottle of sleeping pills off my table and stuffed it under my comforter. "I need them because I don't know if you're blind but I am crying!" I exclaimed as I motioned to my damp, tear-stained face.

"Anyways. . ." He mumbled as he bounced on his heels. "Keep it down on mornings, the only time I'd love to hear you screaming is when you're screaming my name." He winked flirtatiously, to which I nearly gagged in response.

That's vile.

I grabbed the pillow behind my back and pelted it after him. He skillfully dodged it and I gasped as it slammed against the wall and tumbled to the floor. He scoffed and shook his head, "Just kidding, you're probably a virgin, anyway." He shrugged as he pivoted on his heels and stalked out of my room.

Are you kidding me!?

After a few minutes of deep breaths, me trying my hardest to subside my anger; I planted my feet onto the floor and made my way into my bathroom to get ready for the day.

I quickly brushed my teeth, then took an even quicker shower. After showering, I slipped on a pink hoodie and a black pair of jeans.

After preparing myself for my day I tumbled out of my room and down the hall, but at the sound of the door slamming shut from behind me I halted in my step before tilting my head towards the sound where Mason stood

His towel was wrapped rather tightly around his torso and even from where I stood I got a peak of the outline of his v shaped muscles. Droplets of water trailed down his toned chest and soaked up the towel. I took in a sharp intake of breath and swallowed the saliva that built up in my throat when his hands shot upwards towards his head and ran through his fingers through his heavily damp hair.

He obviously didn't notice my presence and I thank the lord that he didn't because that would be extremely embarrassing to see me staring like this. Regardless, I kept my eyes trained on him as he moved forward and walked in the opposite direction towards his room.

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