Darker Than Love | 27

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Mason's POV

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. White, good morning. . .girlfriend." I whispered softly as I pulled Michelle into my arms. She chuckled and shifted her head to the side as I lowered my head down to give her a kiss. "Have you brushed your teeth yet?" She whispered, and I smirked as I trailed my finger over her lips.

"Wanna find out?"

She rolled her eyes and slipped out of my grasp before lowering herself down onto the stool. Her father and mother were too engrossed in their morning duties to witness us or even hear our conversation. But the way her brows perked up and her eyes flickered towards Michelle longingly I knew she was aware.

"Hmm, I'm gonna go, Mason, Michelle behave yourselves." She said as she rose up from the stool and slowly strode out of the kitchen. When she reached the doorway she pivoted on her heels and flashed me a smile before shaking her head and leaving.

Yeah, she definitely heard.

"Michelle, you've stayed home long enough, get ready for school." Her father exclaimed as he grabbed his newspaper and cup of coffee. He tumbled off the stool and nodded his head towards me, "Mason." He exclaimed before stalking out of the kitchen.

I slowly tilted my head towards Michelle and smirked mischievously. She groaned deeply and shook her head as I began to approach her. "I swear to god if you didn't brush your teeth and you kiss me, I'm gonna kill you."

I grabbed her chin and tilted her head upwards. She peered into my eyes and smiled before I lowered my lips down onto hers. She immediately kissed back as her and her hands encircled my waist as she tugged me closer towards her. "I thought you didn't want to kiss me?" I chuckled against her lips and she rolled her eyes before shoving me away.

"Hey, I'm gonna go take a shower, do you wanna join?" I inquired and she shook her head slowly, "we'll be late for school if I join you." She winked as she strode out of the kitchen. I trailed behind her, growling under my breath as she burst into a fit of laughter.

"You're a tease, Michelle," I said and she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as she made her way towards her room. "Please?" I pouted and she shook her head as she began to close the door behind her, "see you in a while, Mason." She sing sang before slamming the door in my face.

God, I hate women.

I pivoted on my heels and made my way into my room. I slammed the door shut behind me and slipped off my clothes before making my way into the bathroom.

After a rather long bath.

Ha I'm just kidding.

Ya nasty.

I hopped out of the shower and dried myself off. I contemplated going into Michelle's room and giving her a taste of her own medicine but I decided against it and slipped on my school uniform. I grabbed my phone and bag and descended the stairs until I found myself standing in the family room, peering down at Michelle who was slouched on the chair, her phone in her hands hovering over her face.

"Dollface," I called out and she squealed as her phone slipped from her hand and crashed down onto her face. I stifled in a laugh and bit down onto my lips to prevent myself as she sat upright, her glare directed at me.

"What the hell, Mason!" She exclaimed loudly as she punched me in the arm, or at least attempted too. I doubled over in laughter, not being able to contain myself anymore. "Baby, I'm sorry, I was just playing," I said as I stood upright.




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