Darker Than Love | 9

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Michelle's POV

The entire ride to the camp was hell.

Kaden wouldn't stop bothering me with his sexual innuendos despite the fact that Mason dropped the 'she's mine' bomb on him.

Mason on the other hand wouldn't speak to me DESPITE the fact that he dropped the 'she's mine' bomb on me. And they say girls are complicated when boys are the ones having the constant mood swings. Sometimes I wonder if they have women genitals because they're always acting like a bunch of little bitches.

"Alrighty kids, we'll be arriving at the camp retreat in about–" Mrs. Santos pulled out her phone then smiled down at it before looking back at us with a very sadistic smile, "–now."

The bus came to a halt and I darted my eyes out the window. It looked pretty decent for a campsite, not like those creepy sites where there's only grass and trees and there's no toilet to take a shit.

I grabbed my duffel bag then shifted off the bus, followed by the rest of the students. I gazed around the site to see two well-designed buildings. One read the commercial center and the other male and female washroom.

"This should be exciting." Sebastian huffed out beside me way too excitedly. "Hi," he smiled down at me with a cheerful glint in his eyes. "Hey. . ." I trailed off which only made his smile stretch even wider. "No need to be scared babe I don't want you, you're definitely not my type. But he is." He smirked as he diverted eye contact with me and look ahead of him.

I followed his gaze only to see Kaden trying to unzip his pants and shouting out some incoherent words. "What is he doing?" I chuckled. He shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. He grabbed his luggage and walked away.

"Okay everyone gather up!" Mrs. Santos shouted as she waved her hands in the air, motioning for us to come closer. We all gathered up around her and I watched in confusion as two unfamiliar individuals stepped beside her, their demeanours screaming authority.

"Welcome to camp Watakita where we all bond, mould and create new friendships!"

"Today I'll be introducing you to Brandon, he's the same age as you guys and he'll be helping you with anything necessary." She smiled as she pointed to a tall slender guy with long black wavy hair, a very sharp jawline and from where I stood his chocolate brown eyes could swoon any girl.

He's hot. . .

"And this will be your other guide, sorry to burst your bubbles boys but she's thirty and married." Mrs. Santos smirked in mischief as she pointed to a woman who indeed looked like she was in her thirties.

"That won't be a problem, I'm sure you're willing to leave that old hag for a younger, smarter, hotter and more experienced hunk." Kaden winked, his brows wiggling flirtatiously.

Just kill me now.

"I will go about my day and act like I didn't just hear that." She sighed deeply before retrieving a clipboard and placing it on her hip.

"Okay guys right now you'll be setting up your tents with your assigned partner. Today's lesson is working together so go set up your camp and at approximately seven o'clock, come to the commercial center where you'll have dinner." Brandon exclaimed loudly as he clasped his hands together and motioned for us to leave.

We all nodded in response and scattered around looking for the best spot. I finally settled on an area on the far end away from the others, I don't care if Mason chooses not to stay here, I want to so he best cooperate.

"Why so far doll face?" He asked, his voice holding a tint of taunting behind it as he came strolling towards me. "And he speaks!" I said in exasperation. He chuckled lightly and grabbed the parts for the tent, preparing to actually help me build this damn thing. "You're so feisty." He purred.

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