Darker Than Love | 29

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Michelle's POV

At this moment I wanted nothing more than to bang my head against something - anything, really. Just enough that I'd pass out and ya know, never wake up! " Look, I just think that you and Mason need to cut back on what you'll are doing, you can get arrested again and I won't be here to bail you out."

"We're just having fun Sash!"

"Yeah! illegal fun, why can't you two do something legal like normal teenagers and go to the movies or something? Why break onto someone's land and go skinny dipping or vandalize a police officer's car twice!" She exclaimed, her hands flailing over her head dramatically.

"Sasha, I live for risky adventures and I get that you're concerned about me but you're not my fairy godmother or guardian angel who needs to protect me, okay? I'm fine so drop it. Why don't we talk about something more exciting! Like the lake party tonight?"

"Oh yes, I'm def going to that tonight, a lake, in the dark. . . with boys? Sounds like any gay guys dream." Sebastian winked and I chuckled deeply. Before I could reply the doors to the cafeteria bursts open and a group of feral testosterone stormed in, hooting and cheering with no regards for the students sitting here.

I rolled my eyes as I found Mason within the crowd, Kaden's hands draped over his shoulders as they ruffled his hair. Yesterday the boys won the semi-finals which means in two more weeks they'll be going to the finals and we might or might not win the football match.

This was the first time in five years this school has made it to the semi-finals, so I guess it deserves the hype it's getting. "Can't believe Mason's the New QB, he's an airhead," Tristan mumbled as he lowered himself down beside Sebastian.

I narrowed my eyes at him playfully, "can't believe you said that in front of me."

"Wasn't an accident," he replied curtly and I pursed my lips in a thin line before pushing my tray away and climbing onto the table. "The hell are you doing Michelle?" Sasha hissed. I hushed her up and placed a hand on my hip and the other motioning towards the football team all sat around their usual table.

"Can I get everyone's attention please!" I shouted loudly and I watched in satisfaction as eyes swivelled towards me. The noise in the cafeteria began to die down and I smiled as I turned towards the team, "I'd just like to give my personal congratulations to the football team for winning the semi-finals and putting us one step closer towards finals!"

The football team began to cheer once again and I smirked as I flickered my eyes down towards Tristan and Michelle, "and I'd also like to congratulate the first quarterback for getting us this close to winning anything in over five years, give it up for Mason Hunter!"

The cafeteria began to bustle with cheers and I smiled once again as I tore my gaze from them and onto Mason who was chuckling deeply, his eyes penetrating through mine even though he was all the way on the other side of the cafeteria.

"So as a thank you for getting our school back on the map I would like to offer the football team a ride in a limousine to the lake party, it's not much but it's the least I could do for you boys." I winked and the caf went off again, cheering so loudly I feared my ears would fall off.

I giggled softly as I lowered myself back down onto the bench. Tristan gawked at me and shook his head slowly before proceeding to eat.

"Hey little princess," Kaden exclaimed as he planted a kiss against Sasha's cheeks.

I still can't believe those two are dating and she has the audacity to say Mason's and I relationship is toxic. "Dollface, thank you for that tribute," Mason said as he lowered himself down beside me. "Anything for you babe," I smiled as I captured his lips in mine in a soft kiss.

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