Darker Than Love | 16

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Mason's POV

"You know what?" She chuckled humorlessly as she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and bit down into it. She flickered her eyes towards her father then me and chuckled humorlessly, "screw all of you." She said, as her eyes penetrated through mine.

She pivoted on her heels and stormed out of the kitchen without turning to look back.

"That bitch, I want her out of this house now. . .I've had enough of her!" Her father shouted and I flickered my eyes towards him before gritting my teeth in anger.

I stalked up towards him and watched as his eyes levelled with mine, "what kind of father are you?" I spat.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head humourlessly, "you have nothing important to say to me right now Mason so I'll ask kindly, get out of my face."

"No, you surpassed the meaning of asshole after you raised your hand on your daughter. If you think that's discipline then you have a lot to learn from this world, Mr. White. You're abusive and it disgusts me." I spat in disgust and his eyes widened as he stared at me.

"You do recall that you live under my roof because of my leniency to take in some corrupted child like yourself. I can kick you out whenever I feel like, Mason. Do not test me." He growled dangerously low and I chuckled before shaking my head in disbelief.

"I wonder what the press will think about Mr. White kicking out his own daughter for no reason at all, poor Michelle had nowhere to stay and the only survival she had was living off of nutrition bars and water."

He chuckled humorlessly and shook his head frantically as he flickered his eyes shut. "You wouldn't dare," he mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Try me," I hissed.

He snapped his eyes open before nodding his head as his eyes flickered over me in disappointment and disgust. With that, he pivoted on his heels and stormed out of the kitchen, leaving only his wife and I standing there.

I turned towards her and scoffed, "and you, as a mother you should protect the only daughter you have left. You already lost one, try to keep the other, would you?" I exclaimed before turning on my heels and leaving before she could even respond.

I slipped into my car and drove off to the one place I knew I could find a way to calm down.

My home street. It's where I grew up for most of my life, with my brother and mother. But my mother got into trouble with the government and law and we needed to leave America, so we packed our stuff and left for Canada.

My brother, however, was sent to live with my father. Because unlike me he wasn't a troubled child. He was the good son who needed a proper figure to raise him.

I mean we've always been in contact ever since we separated but it wasn't the same as living together.

I guess life has a funny way of turning things around.

~ ~ ~

I hopped out of my car and the first thing that caught my attention was the man crouching behind a familiar car. I peered up at the building across the street and squinted my eyes to see two figures standing in the drugstore.

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