Darker Than Love | 6

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Michelle's POV

I've been laying on the bed for the longest while. Just laying there and wincing at the memories of last night.

After the kiss Mason and I shared, he dismissed his friends - the friends I don't have a clue as to how he made. And then we left the party because I was too drunk to stand on my feet. The last thing I remember is passing out in the back of his car.

I tilted my head sideways and stared deeply at Mason's sleeping figure.

I remember asking him to stay with me when he placed me on the bed last night because for some reason I didn't want to sleep alone. God, why did I ask him to stay with me!?

I let my eyes linger away from his face and onto his shoulder tattoo.

It was a tattoo of a woman, a man and a child holding each other's hands as they walk down a dark road into the sunset.

I didn't know what the tattoo meant, why he had it, but I'm sure it means something to him.

I hesitantly raised my hand and traced it over his shoulder, then trailed it down to the butterfly tattoo sitting below his chest, and then my eyes flickered to the rose tattoo just below his armpit. The thorn branches ran all the way down to his hip, and I feared that I would tickle him.

He had a lot of tattoos for a seventeen-year-old.

I mean, his entire body was covered in them.

I retracted my hands from his hip just in time for his eyes to flicker open. I gasped, and he flashed me a smile. "Morning doll face," his voice was groggy but raspy and I squirmed at how attractive he sounded.


"How'd you sleep?" He asked, a concerned look etched on his face.

As if he caught himself slipping, his features hardened, and I frowned deeply, wondering why he thought masking his concern was doing him any justice. I knew he was, even if he may try not to show it.

"I slept well, actually." I smiled in content as I pushed myself upright, my hand still in his grasp.

I had no nightmares last night, none what so ever, and I didn't even take my pills. That was either the result of alcohol or sleeping next to Mason. "Good." He smiled as he let go of my hand and rolled off the bed.

His back was towards me as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand and unlocked it. I sat there staring at him, perplexed. I wondered to myself how one guy who was such an asshole to me the first time we ever met can be so attractive right now.

"Why are you staring at me?" He suddenly asked, his brows arched upward as he stared back at me.

"Don't flatter yourself, I was staring at your tattoo, not you specifically." I huffed out. I actually was - it was a tattoo of a tree that took up his entire back. Its dark branches stretched out of his back, leaving little space to even fit another one in, and I wondered to myself if that actually hurt.

He frowned deeply and averted his gaze from me, "I better go get ready for the day." He exclaimed as he hopped off the bed and stalked into the bathroom linked to his room.

What the hell did I say that changed his entire demeanor!? I mean, did I hurt his ego or something?

I groaned as I flew my legs over the bed and hightailed out of his room and into my room down the hallway. When I made it to my room, I found myself standing in front of my mirror and I gasped when I realized I wasn't wearing my outfit from last night.

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