Darker Than Love | 31

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Michelle's POV

I have a question for you.

Well, it's more of a question for me.

Have you ever been so bored that you can't even keep your head up, your eyes open, and at least try to stay awake and pay attention in class? Currently, I was struggling to do either of those.

To make matters worse, I was in History class, a place where Christopher Columbus is praised for discovering islands around the world when half of them were already inhabited by tribes before he even made it there.

I wasn't one for History, never, actually. But combined with my frustration and exhaustion, hearing my teacher go on about a man who I know for fact committed more crimes than did any good for any country in the goddamn world pissed me off.

"Christopher Columbus was a fraud," I exclaimed, my eyes flickering to the front of the class. Mrs. Smith pivoted on her heels to face me and I rose my head as eyes penetrated through me, including Mason's.

I ignored them and focused my attention on Mrs. Smith. "Why do you think he's a fraud, Michelle?" She asked and I shrugged nonchalantly, my eyes boring into hers. "Well I don't know Mrs. Smith, maybe it's because everyone thought he was this amazing man making history in the world when in reality he was a sick bastard with too much power in his hands.

He was dubbed a catholic hero, Mrs. Smith. When in fact this man -- this quote and quote, hero enslaved thousands of people in Hispaniola, he sold girls of ages 9 to 10 into sexual slavery which he admitted himself in a letter, he also captured a Carib woman and literally allowed his crew member to rape her and that's just some of the horrible things he's done.

Yet we sit here and we praise this man who did so little change to the world. And we allow people who actually impacted the world with good morals pass us by. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to this shit because a dead man can't get me a job in the future." I exclaimed as I slumped back into the chair, a smile on my lips at the shocked expressions assessing me.

"What are you going to do about it then, Michelle?" She challenged and I cocked my head to the side, a chuckle escaping my lips as my eyes flickered down to the book in my hand. I grabbed the pages which were all on Christopher Columbus, stood up and raised it before me.

"This," I said as I tore the pages from the book, smirking at the gasps that echoed around the room. Mrs. Smith eyed me furiously, her lips downturned into a frown, "you are vandalizing school's property, Micelle! Go down to the office now!"

"I don't give a hoot." I spat as I dropped the torn papers onto the floor, grabbed my bag and sauntered past her. I pushed the doors open and stepped into the empty hall, deciding that I'd just go home. I know I was a bit dramatic back there but it was the only way to get out of class.

And plus I've always wanted to do something this badass before.

"Michelle!" I clenched my jaw tightly and sped up my pace, ignoring the shuffling of feet behind me as I hightailed towards the school's entrance. "Dollface wait!"

"The hell do you want Mason!? And how on earth are you out of cla- you know what I don't care, leave me the hell alone, okay? I'm not ready to have a conversation with you."

"Dollface it's been three days, when will you talk to me!?" He pleaded as he rushed in front of me, blocking my view from the door. I folded my arms over one another and glared up at him, his lips were turned down in a frown, and his eyes- god his eyes were so innocent. Don't fall for this, Michelle, not yet.

"Mason, get out of my way."

"Michelle, please. I'm sorry okay, I'll keep saying it until you believe me. I'm sorry about kissing that girl and being an asshole to you and hurting you, god. When I realized what I did the next day and I came down from my anger I cried because I didn't wanna hurt you but I was so angr-"

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