Darker Than Love | 40

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Michelle's POV

If worrying was a person, it would be me. I never expected Mason to revert to his old habits, especially after what happened on the weekend at the cabin. Ever since we began dating, he would open up more and not disappear as he used to when we first met one another.

But I haven't seen him for over two days. No contact, nothing. . .not after that encounter with Kaleb. I was reluctant to go back into the cafe because I knew Kaleb was up to no good. He said something to really set Mason off if he just disappeared like this.

Mason only disappeared to get far away from his problems rather than solving it. And after that big speech he gave me at the cafe, I knew whatever he and Kaleb spoke about was serious. "What's wrong babe?" Sebastian asked, his arms circling around my shoulders as he peered down at me.

"It's Mason, he's been awol for two days and I'm worried," I muttered softly. Sasha peered up from her plate, "you should ask Kaden, Mason is basically his man." She scoffed in disgust before returning back to her food, "but I'm sure he's okay, maybe he's ripping out people's throats."

"Sash he apologized for that, just drop it already."

She sighed deeply and mumbled a quiet sorry. Sebastian flashed me a sad smile, "just ask Kaden, and to tell if he's lying just look at his eyebrows, they tend to perk upwards whenever he tells a lie." Sebastian exclaimed. A part of me wanted to ask how he knew that but knowing Sebastian it had to be something disturbing.

"Thanks, Seb, that information will be very handy," I chuckled softly. After lunch was done, I threw away the scraps of my food and bid Sebastian and Sasha goodbye. I just needed to find Kaden because something in my gut is telling me he knows where Mason is.

I stumbled into the hallway and immediately made my way towards Kaden's locker. I didn't want to see his face, not after what he did to Sasha but I knew I couldn't be upset with him for much longer or else I'd just be hypocritical.

When I made it to his locker I was lucky enough to catch him before he disappeared in the mass of students. "Kaden!" I shouted as I approached him. He flickered his eyes towards me and pushed himself off the lockers, his eyes scanning me suspiciously.

"What do you want?" He inquired.

"Where's Mason?" I went straight to the point. I had no time to waste, the feeling in my gut was just growing more excessively. "I-I don't know, I'm not his keeper, Michelle. You're his girlfriend you should know," he said. And as Sebastian suggested I did look forward to that arch of his brows and would you be surprised when it actually happened.

"You're basically his boyfriend, Kaden. Now cut the crap and tell me where he is, I don't have time to play games. Unless you want me to file a missing person's report and get the cops involved. I doubt you nor Mason would want that and you know I don't bluff so spit it out!"

By the expression on his face, I could tell that he realized I wasn't fooling around. And if I did go to the cops it wouldn't end good for either one of them, but if he didn't fess up I'll have no choice but to.

"You're a very demanding and scary person you know? If you can handcuff and torture me like a mad man then I can't put anything past you." He exclaimed, "sorry Mason but I value my life," he whispered to himself before his eyes flickered towards me.

"Promise me when we get there you'll be understanding. You know Mason and you know he doesn't disappear and distance himself from people for just any reason. Just. . .don't hate him after this," he said.

"Okay, just spit it out."

"He's at my place. But we can't go there now because if my sponsored family finds out I'm skipping school they might not keep me anymore, it's a whole thing. But he's at my house, we'll go after school. Can you wait till then?"

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