Darker Than Love | 14

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Michelle's POV


The word I feared the most was stamped onto my the palm of my hand, and why is it stamped onto my hand?

Apparently teachers think I'm so high and mighty that I won't tell my parents I'm suspended so they freaking stamped it on my hand. What's wrong with the old fashion ringing the parent's house and informing them?

I was the one who got suspended when Mason was the one who blurted out that I slept with Damien and Damien was the one who told Mason, but nooo.

I'm the one who got freaking suspended.

I stomped out of the office after my meeting with the principal and marched down the hallway as I ignored the eyes following my every step as I did so.

Apparently I'm the talk of the school, not because I supposedly had sex with Damien but because I humiliated him and someone posted that video on Instagram and Facebook.

And that is why I'm currently suspended because apparently I was the perpetrator.

As I trekked down the hallway I couldn't help but stop dead in my tracks at the sight of Mason and Kayla. After all I told him yesterday he still went back to her?! Does he even have a functioning brain right now?

They're standing exactly beside the exit and that's the only way out, now all I have to do is try getting out of this god damn school without gaining their attention.

My phone suddenly chimed in my pocket, indicating a call and I pulled it out of my pocket and swiped my finger across it. A smile crept onto my face when I saw the callers ID and I swiped up and placed the phone onto my ear, waiting for him to say something.

"Are you free by any chance right now?" He suddenly asked.

"Surprisingly I am free, what's up?"

"I thought that maybe we could go get ice cream or something what do you say?" He asked.

I paused and nibbled down on my lips as I flickered my eyes back towards Mason and Kayla, maybe I should go. . . maybe I shouldn't. "You cool with that?" He breathed out after a long while of me not answering.


"Yes I am, where do you wanna meet?"

"Cocoa's Cafe."

"I'll see you there," I said and after a few more words exchanged between us we hung up. With a sigh, I slipped it back into my pocket then snapped my gaze back towards the door where Mason and Kayla now stood. . .making out.

He really is disgusting.

I strutted down the hallway angrily paused before them. They hadn't noticed my presence yet so I took the liberty of wrecking myself through the space between them, breaking them apart.

"What the hell Michelle?!" Kayla snapped, I rolled my eyes and flipped her off before pushing the school doors open and sauntering down the steps.

I rushed towards my car and slipped in. Shutting the door after, I let my gaze move back towards the school's doors where Mason stood staring at me intently and Kayla beside him arguing.

His hands were shoved down his pocket and a frown plastered on his face, my middle finger was twitching, threatening to flip him off as well but I contained myself.

I've already humiliated him at home by basically calling him out.

I won't flip him off too.

I pulled out of my designated parking spot and started down the streets to Cocoas Cafe.

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