Darker Than Love | 8

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Michelle's POV

I strolled into the family room and slumped down on the sofa with a satisfied humph. Today we were allowed to stay home to pack up our luggage and get ready for the camp, which starts in approximately an hour.

What the hell am I supposed to do in an hour? No one is home today.

Mom is still at Nana's, Dad is somewhere out making his billions of dollars and Mason just disappeared without a trace. Again.

He literally went AWOL. He left me confused and flustered with the kiss he planted on me yesterday. He literally kissed me and said he liked me but then ignored me when we came back home, I tried talking to him again yesterday.

But guess what.

He shut me out again! I guess that kiss was just in the moment because I basically called him out for saying that I'm not flattered by him and he tried to prove a point. I'll never understand boys, they say girls are complicated but I proved that that isn't necessarily true.

I sighed deeply when the annoying harsh hammering of my heart began again. God, he reminds me so damn much of Kaleb. It was the same case scenario with him, the bad boy who trapped me in his arms with one kiss and corrupted my mind. I loved him and I'm afraid I'll love Mason as well.

What the hell is wrong with me! I'm supposed to be the good girl everyone thinks I am and I'm here falling for a bad boy I've only known for three weeks! Three goddamn weeks.

I brushed the feeling off and looked for something constructive to do.

I grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels on the television. There was literally nothing to watch as all the programs were deathly boring so I switched it off and made my way back upstairs.

Before I could step foot inside my room, a loud knock on the door stopped me dead in my tracks. I spun around on my heels and stalked back down the hallway and down the stairs.

When I gazed through the peephole I saw Tristan standing there looking back at me although he didn't necessarily know that I was there. I smiled and opened the door, greeting him. "Hey, Trist."

"Hey." He smiled as he stepped inside before closing the door behind him.

We walked up the marbled stairs and immediately made our way towards my room. "What's up?" I asked, flopping down onto my bed and patting the spot beside me. He lowered himself down and shrugged.

"Just wanted to see how you were holding up with Mason." He mumbled softly.

"Tristan is there something you want to tell me?" I asked as I wrapped my hand around his shoulder and pulled him closer towards me. I toyed with him a little, knowing damn well he'll never confess his feelings towards me.

"Nah there's nothing." He sighed as he tangled his fingers with mine. "Are you sure?" I trailed off, he shrugged once again, flickered his eyes shut and sucked in a harsh breath.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He mumbled. I tangled my fingers through his hair then dipped my head down to give him a kiss on the cheek. I mean that's the best I can do seeing as I have no feelings for him what so ever.

And I know Tristan won't try to make a move on me. He respects people and their boundaries and that's what I love about him. He won't just kiss me out of the blue then apologize or confess his undying love for me.

He's not that cliché.

"So what's up with you and Kayla? I heard you guys split up. . . Again."

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