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Third person POV
You'll know when to play the song ;)
5 years later...

His eyes scanned his outfit slowly, calculatingly, making sure that he looked his best, especially on a day like this. To say he was nervous was an understatement, and he pondered on whether he should run, but he knew that this was a day that he had to be his bravest, be his best self.

He ran his sweaty palms down his black suit and swallowed hard as he averted his gaze from the mirror. Just as he did so the door flew open and his best friend came tumbling in, his eyes wide, "dude why are just standing there? We have to get down there!"

Mason rolled his eyes and pivoted on his heels, trying to conceal the expression on his face, "you're nervous, huh?"

"You're nervous!?" Mason tugged at his necktie, trying to rip it from his throat as he fumbled around for air, Kaden chuckled lightly and patted him on the back, his head shaking in disbelief. "What the hell is going on!?" Sebastian exclaimed as he came tumbling into the room, his eyes immediately snapping towards Mason.

"Mason here is nervousss," Kaden sing sang as he tugged on Mason's ears playfully. Sebastian let out a throaty chuckle, "well he has to suck it up because without the groom there is no bride." He said as he approached Mason slowly and adjusted his necktie.

Mason shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and scratched the nape of his neck nervously, "me? Nervous, pssht I-I'm not nervous!" He exclaimed as he flickered his eyes away from Sebastian to hide the obvious state of worry on his face.

"Look, drink this, maybe it'll calm you down a bit." Kaden handed him a bottle of water and flashed him a smile, trying to ease the tension ripping through Mason's skin. He sighed deeply and took the bottle in his grasp, wasting no time to down the entire bottle.

He grabbed Kaden's hand and placed the bottle into his grasp, "hey I'm your best man, not your garbage man!" Kaden exclaimed as he flung the bottle across the room. Mason bowed his head lowly and shook his head, trying to rid the doubts blocking his mind.

Then he stood upright, adjusted his tie once again and flickered his eyes between his friends before smiling, "I can do this, I can." He said before he sucked in a harsh breath, pivoted on his heels and sauntered out of the room.


She fell onto her knees, the pearl coloured gown bundled up in the palm of her hands as she fumbled with the toilet seat using the other. She gripped onto the edge of the toilet bowl and began to throw up, momentarily forgetting about the people standing in the room, eyeing her in concern.

"Oh my god, again!?" Maila exclaimed as she hooked her arms around her, hiking her up from the floor. She shook her head lightly and leaned against the face basin, "I-I'm fine, I'm just nervous, that's all, I'll be okay."

"You've been saying that the entire week," Mariam said as she handed her daughter a pill. She flashed her mother a smile and rinsed her mouth before swallowing the pill. Her best friend then handed her a toothbrush and Colgate, her lips tugged upwards amusingly, "don't wanna kiss the groom with vomit breath."

"I'm sure Mason wouldn't mind that, her beauty will steal the spotlight." Mariam winked to which Maila agreed, her eyes yet to tear away from her sparkling dress. "And whilst we're at it, you might wanna try this," Maila exclaimed as she handed her a box, her brows perched upwards.

She gawked in return, her eyes burning a hole through the box in her palm before they flickered towards her mother frantically. Sasha then came stumbling into the bathroom and at the sight of the box in her friend's hand, she gasped loudly and slapped her hands over her mouth, a giggle escaping her lips.

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