Darker Than Love | 47

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Third persons POV
Play the song when I say so!

In the past few months, following Mason's arrival, Michelle White never knew the deranged turn her life would take. Her sister's death and her psychotic ex were just the beginning, but she never saw the day she'd be standing over her father's lifeless body, riddled with bullets from a gun she fired.

At first, she couldn't comprehend what had happened, she didn't even see the person standing behind her, equally as dumbfounded as her. He dropped his gun onto the floor, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She pivoted on her heels slowly to face him and they stood staring at one another speechlessly, both of them unable to form a proper sentence. But Mason was the first to break the tension in the room and in long strides, he moved towards her, tugged her into his arms and crashed his lips down onto hers in a deep kiss.

She immediately kissed back, her trembling hands gripping his bloodied shirt tightly. And everything came crashing down onto her and she cried against his lips both from grief and happiness. "Y-you came, I thought y-you wouldn't come." She whispered softly as they pulled away.

Mason brushed away her hair from her face and even though she was covered in blood he could see beneath it, the beautiful girl he called his. "I'd search the ends of the earth for you, Michelle. I should have never left you, never a-and I did and look where you are, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Michelle."

Tears trickled down his cheeks slowly as he gazed into her eyes, wondering how she couldn't hate him, after everything he put her through after it being his fault she was here. And as if she read his mind, she shook her head and cupped his cheeks in her hand, "don't blame yourself, Mason, this wasn't your fault, you were just another pawn in this game, and I'm so sorry."

"Don't- don't apologize, okay? But we need to get out of here, there's a bomb a-and I don't know what time it's gonna go off," Mason exclaimed as his eyes flickered towards the door frantically. Michelle nodded her head and slipped her hand in his, tugging him out of the room.

They rushed down the hallway, hand in hand, never looking back. Mason wanted desperately to ask her where Kaleb was but he knew now that he found Michelle Kaleb didn't matter anymore, he was just a distant memory.

They stumbled down the stairs towards the front door, and for a moment Mason thought to himself how easy this all was. He was relieved, relieved that no one he loved died today and that only kept him moving forward and out the front door, vowing to himself to never let Michelle go again.

Mason's hands slipped from Michelle's own as they tumbled onto the lawn, he peered up at the house, his chest clenching tightly as all the memories from his childhood came rushing back into his mind. All those times on the grassy lawn, trying to make the best of their lives but they survived, and he was happy.

Now as he stared up at the house, he no longer missed it, because with the good memories came the horrible ones, and he had more years of horror than happiness. "Mason, come on!" Michelle exclaimed. She grabbed his hand to tug him away but froze when her eyes zoned in on the silhouette in the upstairs window.

There was something perched up in his hand and Michelle frowned deeply, but when she realized what it was it was too late. Michelle didn't have time to scream or warn Mason before a gush of flame enveloped the house, it appeared as a fist or orange flames that punched its way through the roof, causing all the windows at each end of the house to shatter.

Pieces of glass punctured through their skin and the force of the explosion sent them both propelling across the lawn. They slammed into the ground, unable to move at the deafening screech in their ears and the shock of it all.

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