Darker Than Love | 21

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Disclaimer: This chapter may be upsetting for some readers. If you are experiencing or have experienced rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment or any other sexual assault, speak up. Tell someone you trust, no matter how terrified you are. Don't ever let anyone silence you, because you are heard and we are here for you. Please, I urge you, contact a local assaulted women/men helpline or consult in someone you trust.

Michelle's POV

I stalked up the stairs of the school, ignoring the eyes that swivelled in my direction, checking me out, whispering soft things into one another's ears. It didn't phase me, not one bit. But I doubt what I did to Damien was still circulating around school.

There's always something else that draws in the attention of these drama hungry teens. And I think I gave them one today.

Today I ditched my knee-length skirts. Why? Because the old Michelle wouldn't dare wear those atrocious nun looking skirts. No, she'd wear something that made her feel confident. Not for the validation of other students but to feel good about herself.

There were no more flats and long skirts and overthrown shirts. Today and for a very long time, it was gonna be heels, a skirt that stopped just below my butt but not short enough that I'd get ridiculed and harassed and finally, a shirt that didn't run down my body as if I were wearing a robe.

I approached my locker, still trying my hardest to ignore the eyes that assessed me as I fished out my binder and slipped my bag inside. At the sound of footsteps approaching me, I turned towards them, thinking it was either Sasha or Mason but instead I was blessed by two vile creatures.

"What do you guys want?" I groaned.

"Who you tryna impress Michelle?" Damien cackled as he stretched his hands out to fist bump Ryder. I chuckled sarcastically and tucked my binder under my arm as I began to strut away from my locker, "no one special, just your dad." I spat.

"My dad doesn't go for sluts." Damien grimaced and I pouted as I outstretched a hand  towards him and pinched his cheeks, "your mom says otherwise." I cooed and he glared at me then towards Ryder who fell into full-blown laughter.

I prepared myself to leave but Damien suddenly caught my hand in his and tugged me into an empty classroom. I gasped as he slammed the door shut behind Ryder and slammed me up against the wall, his menacing gaze penetrating through mine.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I cried out and both guys shared a look before Ryder sauntered towards me, cupped his hand over my mouth and smiled, "it's called payback, bitch." He said, a cackle escaping his lips as his eyes bore into mine.

Was that supposed to scare me? What are they gonna do? Beat me up? Assualt me on school grounds? Nah, these guys are more intelligent than this. . .they have to be.

And if they're not.

They're gonna pay.

Ryder released his grip on my mouth and narrowed his eyes at me, "scream and I'll hurt you." He spat and I pursed my lips in a thin line, willing myself to not make a sound.

Not because I was scared.

But I didn't want to draw in attention for what I'm about to do next.

Ryder grabbed onto both of my arms and Damien stared down at me mischievously as he outstretched a hand towards my face. He brushed my cheek lightly and I snapped my head away from it, growling under my breath. "Awe, feisty. Let's see how much of a fight you're gonna put on now." He exclaimed before his hand suddenly fell onto my waistband.

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