Darker Than Love | 34

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Mason's POV

I peeled my eyes open, groaning softly at the stinging sensation that spread through my eyes as sunlight peaked through the window beside the bed. My eyes zoned in on the sleeping figure beside me and I smiled at the sight of Michelle laying beside me, sleeping soundly.

If someone had told me a few months ago, I'd get to wake up beside Michelle White and call her my girlfriend or in this case my future wife, I wouldn't believe them. I would have told them that Mason Hunter does not fall in love, not with anyone but himself.

But I did, I learnt to love and there is no one who could take that away from me. Not even Kaleb.

I trailed my hand over her shoulder until it reached the palm of her hand and then I rose it to my lips and pressed a kiss against it, watching silently as she stirred. I dragged myself closer towards her, closing the gap between us and pressed my lips against hers in a soft kiss.

When she didn't wake up I kissed her again and again until she finally began to groan softly, her hand tightening in my palm. When I kissed her one last time she kissed back and I chuckled softly, smiling when her eyes flickered open and they interlocked with mine.

"Good morning," she returned my smile and caressed my cheek softly, "good morning, Mason." Silence enveloped us for a second and before I could say anything else she rose up from the bed and swung her legs off of it. "Where are you going?" I inquired and she yawned loudly as she slipped off the bed and sauntered into the washroom.

"I'm getting ready to leave."

"Dollface you literally just woke up!"

"Vacation waits for no man!" She exclaimed loudly as she sauntered into the washroom. "Mind if I join?" I smirked as I rolled off the bed and trekked in after her. She stood in front of the mirror, her eyes fixated on the red marks that decorated her neck and chest.

She glared at me and motioned towards it, "how am I supposed to wear a bikini when I have this all over me!?" I wrapped my hand around her waist and lowered my head down onto her shoulder as I looked at her through the mirror, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

"It'll fade out, dollface. Stop worrying," I whispered as I pressed my lips against her neck. She moaned softly and slapped my hand away so that it fell against her side but I brought it back up to her waist and tightened my grip around her so that she couldn't escape.

"Let's leave this house on a good note, baby," I muttered into her ear and she giggled as I captured her ear lobe in between my teeth, no doubt tickling her in the process. She groaned in frustration and pivoted on her heels, "okay then Mr. Hunter, your wish is my command."


"Help me you asshole, you have muscles for a goddamn reason not to flaunt them!" Michelle exclaimed loudly as she struggled to drag the luggage to the jeep.

"Michelle it's called trying."

She halted in her footsteps and suddenly let it out of her grip so that it went flying onto the ground. She snapped her head towards me and smirked, "it's your shit anyways." She cackled mischievously and sauntered towards the jeep, never turning back to look at me.

I rushed towards the suitcase and hiked it up to my side swiftly, sending daggers at Michelle who unlocked the jeep and slipped inside, that mischievous look still playing on her face. I shoved the suitcase into the trunk and slammed it shut.

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