Darker Than Love | 17

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Michelle's POV

"I didn't harass him!"

"Yes, you did!"

I cried out in frustration and glared back at her as she fixated her gaze onto me, not wavering a second no matter how hard I glared at her. "Well, he should not have told Mason I slept with him, play stupid games, get stupid prizes."

"Well, did you sleep with him?"

"Oh my god! Mrs. Santos, I didn't! Why would I have sex with that pig!?" A snort echoed from behind me, reminding me that Mason was also in the office as well.

"I'm right here you know!" A voice bellowed out and I snapped my gaze towards Damien who was cowered in a corner, his legs apart and his elbows resting on his knees.

"And who asked?" Mason spat and I rolled my eyes before averting my eyes from them, "that's enough Miss White and Mr. Hunter." Mrs. Santos exclaimed as she jotted down my name into the most notorious book of the school.

The black book.

This is the first time my name has ever gone down in the black book, the only students whose names are there consists of bullies, Jocks who can't keep it in their pants and the creepy emos who practically threatened to cut us and suck our blood because they're edgy and dangerous.

Now my name is being jotted down in there for something Damien deserved, how is that justice?

But just knowing that my name isn't the only one going down in here made me feel slightly better. At least for now.

"Damien you had no right to state false accusations about miss white here, slut-shaming is prohibited on this school, quite frankly you should be ashamed of yourself." Mrs. Santos scolded. He nodded his head slowly and mumbled a quick sorry, "I didn't hear you." I whispered softly and he flashed me another glare, "I'M SORRY."

"And Mr. Hunter you had no right to alert the entire student's population of the false accusations said against miss White, be careful of the tone you use when speaking to your friends." She said.

He raised his hands in surrender, pursed his lips in a thin line and nodded his head slowly, "I take full responsibility."

"Miss White you had no right to sexually harass this young man, not because he's a boy means that he can't be sexually abused as well. You did just that, you should be expelled but well. . nevermind. I don't tolerate this kind of behaviour on my school grounds and I hope there won't be a next time!"

"For the last time Mrs. Santos I didn't sexually harass him!"

"There is proof of you entering the boys' locker room and spanking this young man with a wet towel!"

"I was teaching him a lesson!"

She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration and flickered her eyes shut before sighing heavily, "all of you out of my office now. If you guys don't leave I'll lose my shit. Out, out, out!"

I scrambled out of my chair and rushed out of the office with the guys trailing behind me. Damien flashed me a glare and immediately took off.

I spun around on my heels, preparing to escape Mason but I halted in my footsteps when Kayla appeared at the end of the hall, her gaze so hard and intense that I was afraid she'll turn me into stone like medusa, I mean she already had the looks all she's missing is the powers.

"What the hell! " She screeched as she sashayed towards us, her eyes locked on Mason's hand that suddenly came around my shoulder.

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