Darker Than Love | 13

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Michelle's POV

After I saw Mason and Kayla together, I stormed right out of the cafeteria and rushed into the bathroom where I did the one thing that would not cause physical destruction.

I cried.

Not because they were supposedly dating but it's because Mason personally knows that Kayla and I are enemies right now and Kayla - despite all the pain she's put me through - see's fit to make my life miserable. They're both toxic and evil in ways I never knew were possible.

God, I'm stupid to think someone else would care for me.

The bell suddenly chimed loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I closed my book and rose from my chair as I grabbed my belongings and gripped them under my arm. "Hey, Michelle." A voice exclaimed from me and I pivoted on my heels to face them.

"Uhm, yes?" I muttered and the mysterious guy turned towards his friends before chuckling, "how'd it feel to bang your best friend man?" I inquired confusedly and he flashed me a deadpan look before smirking.

"The entire school knows Damien banged you, sweetheart, I guess you're not so good after all," He cackled as he nudged his friend in the arm and winked. He pivoted on his heels and walked away, still laughing.

So that's why everyone's been laughing at me when I came from the bathroom?


That prick knows we never slept together.

I'm gonna kill him.


His hands trailed down my back and he wrapped his arms around my waist to hoist me onto the desk.

He pushed me further against the wall and waited not a second before his lips were back onto mine.

But suddenly a memory of Kaleb and Kayla sleeping together flashed through my eyes, the look of pure lust she gave him.

The look of regret yet satisfaction he gave her. And that alone ruined our once perfect relationship, I don't want that for another couple. I wouldn't do onto others what I wouldn't want them to do onto me.

Regardless of what they've already done.

I must admit I'm a bitch, but I'm not a monster.

I parted my lips from his and shoved him away from me as I shook my head frantically, "I–I can't I can't do it, I'm sorry." I sighed deeply.

I quickly buttoned up my shirt with shaky hands and Damien trailed his finger against my cheek as he smiled mischievously. "Come on babe, we were so close," he smirked as his eyes settled on my exposed chest.

I pushed him away from me and shook my head frantically once again. "We've gone too far by just kissing."

"Shit, Michelle!" He shouted in frustration. He placed his face in his hands and sighed deeply, "you're such a woos, I thought you were a badass girl but no, you're too loyal to your friend to even get payback on her." He hissed through gritted teeth.

"I'm not a good girl Damien, worse than you'd think, but I'm no monster, I'm a freaking human too and so is Kayla so I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not having sex with you!"

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the classroom, leaving behind a sexually frustrated Damien.

End of flashback

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