Darker Than Love | 18

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Mason's  POV

I laid down on my bed, my arms spread out wide above my head and my eyes locked on the blank ceiling above me. It's three am and I can't sleep. My mind is cluttered up with thoughts that are depriving me of my beauty sleep. Not just any thoughts.

Just about her.

Her name, her voice, her eyes, her scent, her presence, her attitude. Just everything about her is so captivating that sometimes I feel like ripping out my own heart.

I love the fact that she's her own person and doesn't let anyone tell her who to be. . .to me that's so attractive and I think it's what draws me closer to her.

I've tried dating Kayla, kissing Laila and even going out a few nights and having one night stands with total strangers in hopes of catching feelings for them and denying my feelings for her.

But my heart is screaming at me, telling me that I love her and no matter how many times my gut is telling me I don't know what the definition of love is.

I've never been in love but I do know what's the definition.

It's her.

I sighed and rolled off my bed, preparing to make my way into the washroom but there was a piercing scream at the end of the hall that halted me in my footsteps. I frowned deeply and toppled out of my room, cringing as the screams grew louder.

It was coming from Michelle's room.

I already knew that she was having a nightmare. I remember the first night I came here, I told her something that I'm not exactly proud of because I never knew how serious it was until I found out it plagued her every night.

She always hinted that it was about her sister but I never got the full story. Not from the gang or herself.

I pushed her door open and made my way towards her side. She was kicking and fussing, her head whipping from side to side as her face dripped with sweat profusely.

"Michelle, wake up, hey, Michelle!" I exclaimed loudly as I shook her shoulders. She immediately snapped her eyes open and flickered her eyes towards me. She stared at me perplexed for a few seconds before her eyes glistened over.

I crawled beside her and pulled her into my arms as she sniffled softly, her arms coming around my waist. "I'm so sorry I woke you up Mason, I–I know you said–" she began but I cut her off before she could go any further with the stupid comment I made a month ago.

"Forget what I said dollface, I'm here and that's all that matters."

She nodded her head and flickered her eyes close as she relaxed against me.

I couldn't help but glance down at her, wondering to myself how someone like Michelle could get herself intertwined with someone like Kaleb.

She was in danger right now and she didn't even know it.

Kaleb was back, and looking for her. I know what he supposedly did, and I know there's no way in hell he's coming for Michelle because I won't let it happen.

I placed a kiss against her temple and she smiled softly. I knew she was already sleeping and I hoped to myself that those nightmares wouldn't come back.

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