Darker Than Love | 32

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Mason's POV
*6 months ago*

"Hunter! Get your ass back onto the field now!" Coach exclaimed loudly, and I flashed him a glare as I shoved my bottle of water into my duffle bag and sauntered towards them. "You're our QB, Hunter. That comes with responsibilities and focus!"

"So I can't have a drink of water for five minutes without having your head up my ass, coach? Jesus Christ, if I knew I wasn't allowed to take a sip of water when I'm tired I wouldn't have joined this team," I snarled.

"We have a big game, Hunter. I want everyone to be on their toes, at all times, no relaxing, no breaks! We have to win this game if we want to be in the finals!" I ignored him and sauntered towards the team that were huddled around someone.

When I got to them, I pushed my way through the crowd and scowled down at Kaden lying on the grassy field in a fetal position. "The hell is his problem?" I inquired and Chris snapped his head towards me and guffawed.

"He couldn't handle his liquor last night, now the little bitch is whining and moaning, awe boo hoo." He cooed and I flashed him a glare, "why don't you shut your damn trap before I shut it for you, Lahey?" I spat and he immediately rose his hands in surrender and backed away slowly.

"Coach! I'm taking Kaden home and no there's nothing you can do about it!" I shouted as I grabbed him under his arms and hoisted him up. He draped a hand over my shoulders and wobbled on his feet unsteadily.

"Hunter, the hell man!? We have a game next week, didn't I just tell you I want no slacking off!?"

"Exactly coach, this gives us ample time to practice and we've been going at it for three hours. Don't you think we're exhausted? We're not fucking animals, my friend here is sick and I'm tired so I'm leaving, good day!" Before he could reply I began to saunter away, ignoring the swears that escaped his lips as I made my way towards the bleachers, grabbed both Kaden's and I bags and hightailed towards the parking lot.

Kaden slipped into the passenger seat of the car and groaned in pain as he doubled over, his head laying on the dashboard. I sighed deeply and slammed the door shut behind him and rounded the car towards the driver's side. I hopped in and shoved my key into the ignition as I reminded Kaden to buckle on his seat belt.

He obliged and fumbled with the seatbelt as I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. "Do you wanna spend the night at my house or go home?" I asked and he flickered his eyes towards me and scowled, "will Langton be there?" He inquired.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, ignoring the way my knuckles turned ashy white as I raced down the streets. "That's what I thought," he chuckled humorlessly and I sighed once again as I turned my head towards him quickly.

"Okay then do you want me to spend the night with you since your mom's away? I don't trust leaving you all alone." He nodded his head vigorously and winced in pain once again.

"Why'd you come practice if you're sick?"

I slowed down at the red light and tilted my head towards him to already find him staring at me, a frown playing on his lips. "I didn't want to disappoint you, I know how much winning the finals means to you and this practice was especially important."

"Dude you're already a disappointment, there's no more room left for that." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes as he draped a hand onto his chest and pouted, "you wound me, baby." He said and I shook my head in disbelief as I turned back towards the road and drove off.

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