Darker Than Love | 23

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Michelle's POV

I've shed enough tears for the past 24 hours, I have nothing worth crying for anymore.

I had no one to hold me, no one to comfort me. My parents weren't here yet and I've been here for a full day, exhausted beyond comprehension. It was Thursday today and I haven't been able to change out of my school uniform, take a bath and have a proper meal to eat.

I know these assholes are doing this just because I'm Michelle White. They know me, they know who my parents are and yet still they treat me like I'm useless just because of my past. God, I can't wait till my father sues them.


The handle of the door clicked open and I snapped my head towards it, preparing to spring out a string of insults at officer Bill until I recognized the woman stepping into the room. And before she could speak I propelled against the room and crashed into her arms, a cry of relief escaping my lips as her arm wrapped around me tightly.

"Mom! I'm so sorry I got our family into this mess. Whatever they said I did it was out of self-defence, please say you believe me," I pleaded as I pulled away from the hug, a tear slipping down my cheek despite the fact that I said I had no more tears to cry.

I guess I was just relieved that she was here.

"I believe you, Michelle." She said and I smiled, a chuckle of relief escaping my lips as I turned m attention to the door where my father stood beside officer Bill. He didn't seem upset like I thought he would be and before I could even acknowledge him he snapped his head towards officer Bill, his lips pulled into a thin line.

"What the hell is this?" You've had my daughter sitting in this dusty room against her will and you wouldn't let her go! Why? You're lucky it's not illegal or else I'd sue you and this whole damn precinct!"

"I couldn't have let her go Mr white I–" my father cut him, his deep chuckle resonating through the room as he glared down at Officer Bill intimidatingly. "Do you know who I am?" My father inquired and officer Bill nodded his head vigorously.

"Then don't bullshit me you old hag, get my daughter out of this room or I'll be the one sitting in that chair being interrogated for murdering you." He snapped, "I'm taking my daughter with me, that bastard Damien and Ryder can see us in court when I call up my lawyers." He hissed as he lightly gripped onto my shoulders and lead me out of the room followed by my mother.

I didn't say a word to either one of them as we walked down the hallway and into the waiting room. When I strutted in, I didn't have a second to breathe before a pair of arms gripped me in a tight hug. I gasped for air and flickered my eyes towards the person before my lips tugged into a smile when I realized it was Sasha.

"I was so worried." She said, her voice cracking slightly as we pulled away from the hug. Kaden outstretched his arms towards me and I rolled my eyes before enveloping him in a hug, "you should have stabbed them to death," he whispered into my ear and I chuckled as we pulled away.

Mason strolled towards me slowly, a small smile on his face, though despite the fact that he was smiling I could see the anger behind them but I knew he masked it with relief, relief that I was okay.

His arms slid around my waist and he pulled me towards him slowly and hugged me softly. He dipped his head into my neck and tightened his arms around me as if the moment he let me go I'd break. I smiled softly and wrapped my around his neck, not wanting to let go.

"I missed you," he mumbled groggily and I raked a hand through his hair, "It's only been a few hours."

"A few hours too long," he replied and I sighed deeply as I struggled to pull away from his arms. He frowned deeply as his hands fell from my waist.

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