Darker Than Love | 26

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Michelle's POV

"What the hell!" Kayla screeched as she flew off of Mason. I lowered the hose and looked right past her and settled my gaze directly on Mason. He parted his lips in shock and I watched as his face suddenly fell before he outstretched a hand towards me.

But before he could say anything Kayla stormed towards me, her fist clenched tightly as she charged forward, her hands in the air ready to strike me. I dropped the hose onto the floor and caught her punch mid-air. I wrapped my hand around her wrist and tugged her towards me.

She squealed, her fearful eyes peering into mine as I glared down at her, rage coursing through my veins as I tightened my grip on her wrist until she hissed in pain and her eyes watered. Not so brave now huh Kayla?

"I warned you last time if you came to my house again I'd kill you. GET OUT BEFORE I MAKE GOOD ON MY WORD!" I screamed down her neck and she snatched her hand from my grip, her eyes darting around us in embarrassment when everyone in the kitchen stopped to witness this.

She quickly grabbed her bag off the counter and rushed past me and out of the house. I flickered my gaze towards Mason and chuckled humorlessly before pivoting on my heels and exiting the kitchen. I ignored his shouts of protests as I maneuvered my way through the crowd of people and into my backyard.

I made my way towards the garden, away from prying eyes and the booming sound of music. I needed to clear my head, to think straightly or I'll do something I'll regret. Because seeing Mason kissing Kayla, right after I broke up with Brandon for him didn't just hurt, it angered me.

After everything we've been through since he "dated" her he would betray me like this? If he kissed any other girl then I wouldn't be as angry because he wasn't mine and he didn't know I broke up with Brandon. But it's Kayla, he knows Kayla and our history, he contributed to that toxic history as well.

I lowered myself down on the bench overlooking the pond and gripped onto it tightly as I tried to let my anger surpass. At the sound of leaves crushing behind me, my grip tightened even more and I prepared to scream my lungs out if it turned out to be Mason.

But it wasn't and I relaxed as Tristan appeared before me, a small smile on his face as he sat down beside me. "Hey," he mumbled and I flickered my eyes towards him as my lips tugged upwards, "hey."

"What you saw back there was not what it looked like." He said as he averted his eyes from mine and clenched his jaw tightly. I frowned deeply and sat upright as I assessed his face, "what do you mean? Mason was making out with Kayla and unless that was his identical twin brother, I don't see why I should believe that." I said and he shook his head slowly.

"Kayla came into the house only minutes before you. She came into the kitchen and saw Mason leaning against the wall. From where I stood I watched her go up to him and they exchanged a few words before Mason pushed her away from him. He tried to leave but she grabbed his hand and pulled him back, then she kissed him right when you walked in. . .like 2 seconds before."

Seriously? He isn't just saying this to make me feel better right?

No, Tristan wouldn't lie about something like this. He wouldn't lie for Mason.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked confusedly.

"Because Michelle, you love him. Even a blind person can see it. I've never seen you fall for someone so quickly before, get so attached, not even with Kaleb. And no one is that crazy to trust a strange person who entered their life so quickly unless they're in love.

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