Darker Than Love | 30

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Michelle's POV

The limousine rolled to a stop, and I squealed as the door swung open, each of us toppling outside one by one. The night was chilly, and I shivered as we stumbled away from the limo. Mason slipped his hand into mine and we fell into step, trekking towards the mass of dancing bodies all crowded around the enormous stage that sat in the middle of the field.

Rae Sremmurd was on the stage performing and I snapped my head towards Sasha who squealed in excitement, her arms tightening around Kaden as we made our way through the crowd. They began to play one of their most famous songs; Come get her, and I turned towards Mason who peered down at me, a smirk creeping onto his face.

"You wanna dance don't you?" He inquired and I nodded my head as I tugged him forward. He chuckled deeply as his arms slipped around my waist and I pressed my back against him, my arms sliding around his neck as I began to dance.

"Somebody come get her she's dancing like a stripper, somebody come tip her she's dancing like a stripper." I let the music move me and for some reason, memories from the first night Mason and I kissed came rushing back into my mind. That night I let myself go, my worries, doubts and I allowed myself to fall into Mason's grasp. . .looking back then I regretted my decision at first, but now, I'm happy that I did kiss him.

"At your ex's crib and you're boo'd up, take it slow baby, we in no rush." I pivoted on my heels to face him and giggled softly at the distressed look on his face. He rolled his eyes and tightened his grip around my waist, his head dipping down to my neck where he nuzzled his face. "You don't wanna dance anymore?"

"Hmm, I'm okay here," he said against my skin. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and tugged his head away from my neck so that I could look into his eyes. He peered down at me and smiled before placing a chaste kiss against my lips.

"Should we get out of here, Bonnie?" He whispered into my ears and I shook my head vigorously. "No," I said, knowing exactly why he wanted to get out of here. I'm all for adventures but I'm not that wild. "Fine," he groaned in distress as he pulled away, "I'm gonna get a drink, do you want one?"

"Yes please!" He nodded his head as he placed a kiss onto my cheek before trekking backwards and disappearing into the crowd.

I pivoted on my heels, deciding to go look for Sasha, Sebastian and Kaleb who disappeared the moment we got here. But before I could leave, a hand slipped around my wrist and tugged me backwards. I spun around, preparing to snatch my hand from their grasp before my eyes interlocked with a familiar pair of brown eyes.

"Brandon, oh my god how are you!?" He smiled brightly and scratched the nape of his neck nervously. I took this moment to assess his costume, he was dressed as John Bender from The Breakfast Club and I knew because I'm obsessed with that movie. It's one of my all-time favourites.

"I'm good, Michelle. I really am, how are you?" He inquired and I couldn't help but smile back. Brandon always had a contagious smile, and I was surprised that despite the fact that things ended on a sort of bad note with us he still approached me.

"I'm great, I'm really happy. Things are finally going my way, goddammit." I chuckled deeply and he nodded his head as he shoved his hands into his pocket and bounced on his heels. "So. . .how are you and Mason? Are you guys dating now?" He asked.

"Yeah, we are, w-what about you, anyone special in your life?"

His eyes suddenly sparkled and I stood shocked as his smile widened. He ran his hands through his hair and cleared his throat as he tried his hardest to bite back his smile, "yeah uhm, I am. We met like three weeks after we broke up. She's right over there," he said as he motioned towards a brown-haired girl standing beside a group of people who I'm assuming are his friends.

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