Darker Than Love | 44

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Michelle's POV

"Why do you keep saying that?!" I wheezed out as I glared up at him. Blood dripped down from my busted lip and it took everything in me to not cry out in pain once again. I feared the state of my body at the moment, considering that these men wouldn't stop beating the shit out of me I was probably as bruised as a stale banana.

I needed to find any type of humour in this situation because if I didn't I would surely lose my head. I wouldn't be able to cope with my reality or comprehend the situation I was in. I still haven't been able to fully comprehend what was going on.

Partly due to all the drugs being injected into me and just being straight in denial of the fact that. . .of the fact that I'm here. "What are you talking about cupcake?" He inquired, his eyes boring into mine. I flickered my eyes shut and tried my hardest to muffle the whimper threatening to escape my lips.

I can't show him that I'm weak. I can't show them that I'm weak because if I have any chance of surviving, it's by showing them I can. "Why do you keep saying you love me yet you can sit there and watch these men beat me to a pulp. Hear me scream and cry for them to stop, doesn't that torment you?"

Something flashed in his eyes and by the looks of it, I could tell that my words got to him. He growled lowly and etched his face closer to mine. He placed his finger on my lip and I flinched in pain. His eyes softened for a second before they hardened.

He slowly swiped his finger under my lip, wiping away the blood. "It's me or you, I love my life Michelle, more than I love anything or anyone. It's how I survive, I'm selfish, we've established that. Don't try digging for an answer you won't like." He said, his eyes never leaving mine as he pulled away and sauntered back to his chair.

Before I could reply the doors swung open and he came strutting in. Clad in a suit as if he were going to work, but wait, apparently this is his work. "What are you guys talking about? Is my daughter still pestering you, Kaleb?" He chuckled deeply, his eyes swivelling towards me.

"I'm not and will never be your daughter you sick psychopathic bastard! Now I know where I inherited my dark side from, it's from you, you sick motherfucker! If you could do this to your own flesh and blood I seriously can't put anything past you, asshole."

"Ah, always with the potty mouth Michelle, it doesn't have a good look on you and nor did it have a good look on Deborah." He tutted, scolding me. I bit down onto my lip hard and even though it pained me to do so it was to keep the stifling sob inside.

But I couldn't hold it in long enough before I broke down again. So much for not being weak. It pained me, thinking about her, how scared she was in her last moments, knowing that her father was the one who killed her.

Her own father.

I've heard these stories before, of parents murdering their own kids but it's always a family annihilator who ends up killing himself in the end as well. But this? This was a twisted reality. There were no financial problems, no fear of divorce and separation, nothing. This was just a case of a man willing to kill anyone in his path for his business.

My own father, the man who raised me, the man who kissed me to bed every night after reading me bedtime stories. The man I hoped to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day.

"You know I had to kill her Michelle, no reason crying now, you've already grieved her death. She knew too much, cheating on her mother and her finding out was one thing, but finding out that I was involved in illegal activities was another thing. She would have sung like a canary and we both know that I had to shut her up."

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