Darker Than Love | 20

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Disclaimer: This chapter tackles on the topic of mental disorders/ illnesses which might be triggering for some readers. If you or your loved one is suffering from any mental illness, please seek help because fighting the darkness alone is never the answer. Always have someone by your side, because each day doesn't get easier, it gets tougher before it gets better and nothing beats moral support and the love from the people we trust.

Michelle's POV

I outstretched my hand towards Mason's face and caressed his cheek lightly as I watched him sleep peacefully. Yesterday - I think it was yesterday - we stayed up all night watching movies and eating whatever snacks I could find in the cupboard downstairs.

I mean, I knew we should have been doing something more productive, but I felt down after learning that Kaleb was back here looking for me. I guess I needed to do something to take my mind off of it.

With a sigh, I propped myself up onto the bed and grabbed my phone sitting at the edge of the bed where I left it when I dozed off. I turned it on and winced as the bright light from the screen flashed in my eyes.

Squinting my eyes, I flickered them towards the clock and groaned in annoyance when I realized it was only three am. What time did I even fall asleep?

I turned towards Mason and slowly peeled his hands off my waist. He didn't flinch - thankfully and I rolled off the bed silently, still hopeful that he wouldn't hear me and wake up.

I tiptoed out of his room, down the dimly lit hallway and carefully trekked down the stairs as I thanked the architect of this house for making the floors tiled. That way no one can hear me unless they're already awake or have super hearing abilities.

I sauntered into the dark kitchen and made my way towards the fridge. I peeled it open carefully, hoping that it wouldn't make that annoying creaking sound and grabbed the jug of water out of it before closing it slowly.

"What are you doing up so late young lady?" A familiar voice boomed into my ears and I pivoted on my heels to face my father who stood at the foot of the kitchen with his hands crossed over his chest. "I-I needed something to drink," I replied as I retrieved a glass from the cupboard.

"Okay then." He said as he sauntered into the kitchen and made his way towards the coffee maker.

"What are you doing up so late?" I asked and he paused before turning towards me, "leave the questions to the adults." He muttered.

Things have been tense between us ever since he- ever since he decided that I wasn't good enough to be his daughter. Sitting here in a room alone with him was so awkward I prayed for someone to hand me a gun to shoot myself.

I downed my glass of water in one go and hopped off the stool. I placed the glass into the sink and rushed out of the kitchen without turning back, even though I could feel his piercing eyes on me.

I raced back upstairs and tumbled into Mason's room. I grabbed the handle of the door and shut it behind me, forgetting that Mason was sleeping right there.

I watched, guiltily as he jolted awake, his eyes snapping around the room frantically until they landed on me leaned against the door, a frown etched on my lips. "Michelle? What are you doing?" He mumbled groggily and I sauntered towards the bed slowly before climbing onto it.

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