Darker Than Love | 22

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Mason's POV

I glared at the back of the police car and clenched my fist tightly as I pivoted on my heels and marched away from the pavement. Kaden tumbled behind me, his eyes narrowed to slits, mirroring my expression as we made our way towards the parking lot.

"Who do we have to kill?" He growled and a smirk slowly slid onto my lips as I unlocked my car and slipped into it. Kaden rounded the car and hopped in beside me before slamming the door shut behind him.

"Damien and Ryder got her arrested. I don't know how and why and I don't care why but they're gonna pay for it. I planned to have Michelle by my side at all times now that Kaleb is out on the loose but these assholes got her arrested and they won't see the day of light tomorrow." I spat as I pulled out of the driveway and sped down the streets.

"What are you planning to do?" He inquired as he gripped onto the handle above the window, steadying himself as the car zoomed forward. My jaw tightened in anger and I pressed my feet against the accelerator as Michelle's tear-stained face flashed through my mind

She's probably scared and angry. I know what it feels like to be arrested for something you didn't do or something you did to protect yourself and the people around you.

And whatever she did, I know she had a reason.

"We're gonna visit some old friends."

He chuckled humourlessly and drummed his fingers against the dashboard, "always wanted to beat up those assholes!" He exclaimed and I shook my head vigorously as I narrowed my gaze on the road.

"We're not getting our hands dirty Kaden, we can't risk it. If we do they can send us back to Canada and we're gonna have to wait a year until we can leave. I can't leave Michelle right now, I know who's gonna help us. . .he owe's me after everything I've done for him in the past."

"You're going to your old neighbourhood aren't you? Can't wait to see those two assholes in the hospital, they tick every bone in my body."

This is why Kaden's my best friend.

He doesn't know what Michelle did and yet still he's willing to get his hands dirty for her because of me. We've been best friends since birth, always stood up for each other and never left one another's side.

He even got put into the juvenile delinquency program with me, well partly because he took place on what went down that got us here in the first place.

I winced as the memories of that day came flashing back, the blood and the screaming, the police cars pulling up into my neighbourhood as they came to drag me away, Kaden along with me.

He took part in something that sent us to prison for a week. No, not jail. . .prison. Why? Because we were meant to spend years there, not weeks until my mother finally confessed everything and we were released but placed into the juvenile delinquent program run by my school and well the government.

But that week in prison wasn't the best week of my life, but luckily Kaden was there with me and I will forever be indebted to him.

He was there for me when I paced around my cell cursing my mother on her life, and he was there for me when I broke down, wondering if she was okay despite the fact that she betrayed me.

"You're thinking about her aren't you?"

"I miss her you know, I've forgiven her but I'll never forget what she did when all I tried to do was save her life." I spat and he nodded his head as a humourless chuckle escaped his lips, "funny how we got stabbed in the back for helping huh you know? This is why I closed off my heart if someone I looked up to as a mother betrays me and her actual son, then what will others do?" He said.

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