Bonus Chapter #2

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Mason's POV
Some serious cringey–ness ahead, You have been warned! 😂❤️

"You ready?"Kaden asked as he tried fighting back his laughter. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off "Sure you wanna do that in front of the kids Mason?"He asked warily.

"Hey they gotta learn some day and plus they aren't here"I shrugged as I adjusted my tie around my neck. A roar of laughter echoed from behind me and I Couldn't help but laugh as well.

"What if a guy did this to Skylar?"He asked amusingly. I gave him a dumbfounded look and scoffed "I'll fucking kill him that's what"I hissed.

"What if Haze did that to his woman?"Kaden asked as he was trying to contain his laughter. I smirked at him and wiggled my eyebrows. "Then the young man is heading in daddies direction."

Kaden rolled his eyes and scoffed. "To a fuck boy then he'll have a bright future won't he!"He exclaimed with exaggerated hand expressions.

"He's gonna be like uncle Kadey, Strong, Handsome and a ladies magnet"Kaden smirked as he stared at his expression in the mirror.

"Uncle kadey my ass....You mean ugh–have sex with girls multiple times and still forget their name. Got accused of knocking up a girl and almost being the baby daddy, oh, oh and the best one yet."I squealed exasperatedly. He sighed and gave me an amused stare.


"Fuckboy! Wow my little Haze is going in the greatest direction!"I sarcastically deadpanned as I spun around and slipped on my brown boots. "Fine you win, Now go off and give your wife the best birthday ever!"

Didn't have to tell me twice.

I smirked in is direction and waved goodbye before sauntering out of the room. "Meet you at my house in two!"I shouted as I rushed down the hallway and out the apartment.

I made my way to the elevator and checked the time on my watch. It was currently three thirty pm and Michelle and I have reservations for Four.

I need to pick her up like now or else my dick will be barbecued for later.

After eleven years of being together. She still has that crazy side to her that never subsided. Sometimes I'm even scared to bring the wrong groceries home or even forget to get lucky charms for the kids or else they'll all have my head off by the end of the night.

Haze and Skylar are just like us. Practically their like duplicates. Skylar is just like her mom. She's sweet and charming with puffy cheeks, Rosy lips and Long blonde hair.

But that's just on the outside. You really don't wanna mess with the little devil in sheeps clothing. She'll torment you for your life and I guarantee that if you don't give her what she wants.

One time she begged me for a lollipop and I said no because–Well I'm a responsible father after all. This little devil changed my shampoo to Nair. I went bald for two months straight and guess who gave her that idea.

Ding ding ding. You guessed right. It was Kaden, Or should I say uncle Kadey.

Haze is practically a mini me. He has my hair obviously. Jaw line as sharp as mine again obviously. He has his mother eyes whiles Skylar has mine and he's practically a little player.

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