Darker Than Love | 28

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Michelle's POV

"Mason wait up!"


"Can you stop calling out my name so damn loud, for god sakes Dollface!" He exclaimed loudly and I glared at the back of his head as I fell into pace beside him, "well if you'd stop running so damn fast then maybe I wouldn't have to be calling out your name so freaking loud!" I hissed.

I stopped running and doubled over as I gasped for air. I wheezed breathlessly and outstretched my hands towards Mason. "Mason!" He halted in his footsteps and pivoted on his heels to face me. His eyes flickered behind me and he rushed towards me frantically before spinning on his heels and lowering himself down before me.

"Hop on, come on now!" He beckoned. I climbed onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He shot upwards and tucked his hands behind my leg to keep me hiked upwards.

"Hey, you two stop right there!" The familiar voice boomed from behind us. I snapped my head towards the police officer running after us and chuckled loudly as I flipped him off, "GO TO THE GYM!" I laughed loudly. Mason took a sharp turn to the left into a dark alley and lowered himself down so I could hop off.

I slipped off his back and peeked over the wall to see if the police officer was still following behind us. He was searching around aimlessly and I giggled softly as I pivoted on my heels to face Mason.

"Come on, Michelle!" He whisper yelled. I peered upwards to see him standing on the edge of the roof, his hands outstretched towards me as he beckoned me towards me, "grab my hand." He said and I slipped my hand into his.

Without much of a struggle, he wrapped his hands tighter around mine and tugged me upwards. I squealed as my feet rose from the ground and latched onto Mason's hands more firmly in fear that I would fall.

He pulled me upwards into his arms and I crashed into his chest. He pulled away from my grasp and walked towards the edge of the building. "We need to jump." He said and my eyes widened as I toppled towards him.

"You're kidding right?" I chuckled humorlessly. He peered down at me and narrowed his eyes, "do I seem like I'm kidding?" He inquired sarcastically.

"Okay fine! But if I die goddammit Mason I'm coming back from the dead just to kill you!" I shouted and his lips slid into a smile as he peered down at me, "trust me, baby. I won't let you get hurt." He said before walking backwards and then running towards the next building.

I held my breath as he jumped into the air and landed on the building before us. He landed directly onto his feet and skidded to a stop. "HEY YOU TWO UP THERE, STOP RIGHT THERE!" The officer's voice boomed beneath us and I snapped my head towards Mason, my eyes wide in fear.

"Dollface, jump!" I clenched my jaw tightly and strode backwards then propelled forward until my legs were dangling over the gap between the buildings and then I crashed into something hard that sent me flying to the ground.

"God," Mason groaned as he pulled me onto my feet. I swallowed the bile in my throat and turned back towards the police officer struggling to grab onto something to pull him onto the building. "Come on," Mason exclaimed as he grabbed onto my hand.

Now at this moment someone from afar would be wondering what the hell was going on. Well, let me elaborate.

Ever since Ryder went to prison, Damien died, I became the sensation of the town and Mason became my boyfriend; I stuck to my words, I was no longer Michelle White, the good girl who follows rules and stays out of trouble.

No, almost going to prison didn't change anything. It made me stronger, made me put up a shell to protect myself. But it mostly let the walls down on the person I was when I dated Kaleb. Mason and I have gotten into a lot of trouble over the past few months, and by trouble I mean we did things that got us arrested three times in two months.

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