Darker Than Love | 36

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Michelle's POV

"Sometimes I feel like Kaden wants to break up with me, you know? Like I don't think he wanted a serious relationship to begin with, I just think he wanted someone to mess around with. . .and then I forced him into a relationship and now he's being distant."

"I doubt it," I muttered dryly as I peered down at the boys in the water, splashing it on one another childishly. Sasha lowered herself down onto the beach chair beside me and lowered her sunglasses down onto her face.

"He's acting weird. He's making up excuses to not hang out with me anymore, plus did you see him when we were talking about the double date, I knew he didn't want to go. I feel like he's cheating on me and if he's not he's gonna break up with me soon."

"He's not."

"How would you know?"

"I mean look at Mason and me, we've had our doubts about each other and we still worked out. I'm sure Kaden loves you and if he doesn't then. . .Sash you just have to break up with him. Don't stay in a relationship where you're constantly doubting your partner's affection for you."

She sighed deeply and laid down on the beach chair, "I saw this thing in a movie once, where a woman caught her husband cheating on her. So she cuffed him to the bed, tied up the girl in a chair and tortured them for hours."

"That's fucking dark Sasha," I exclaimed as I turned towards her. She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and before she could reply a cold chill surged through my body and I was soaked from head to toe before I could comprehend what was happening.

A gasp escaped my lips at the water that dripped down my body and I narrowed my eyes up at Mason who was bent over, laughing loudly with an empty bucket in his hand and a guffawing Kaden beside him.

I sprung up from the beach chair and tackled Mason to the ground. He cried out loudly as I grabbed a handful of sand and dumped it onto his drenched body so that it stuck to him like a second skin.

He slapped my hand away but not quickly enough as I scooped more sand into my hand and stuffed it into his swim trunks. He froze and flickered his eyes up towards me as silence enveloped us.

Before I could speak, with me still in his arms he pushed himself off the ground and wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly to his chest. "Where are you taking me?! Put me down!" I demanded.

He smirked and suddenly loosened his grip around me which caused me to dip downwards, a squeal escaping my lips in fear.

"Mason don't let me fall!"

He chuckled loudly and loosened his grip even more. I wrapped my hands around his neck and let my weight drop so that he would have to use all his strength to keep me up. He staggered forward, a grunt leaving his lips as he hoisted me upwards.

"Damn dollface what the hell have you been eating, your entire family!?"

I glared at him and motioned towards the way we were pressed up against one another, in public might I add. Normally I wouldn't mind this but we were on the beach, in front of many eyes.

"Now can you put me down. . .I am VERY uncomfortable at the moment!"

A smirk formed on his face as his eyes flickered down to his pants, "nothing you've never felt before babe."

"Mason, baby, please put me down and I'll spare your life okay? All you have to do is set me onto my feet and you'll li-" the words were caught in my throat as I sunk under the salty water. An angry cry split through my lips as it enveloped me, dragging me into a chilly, dark abyss.

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