Chapter 1

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Few months after.

Amal's P.O.V

"Did you take the flight to Ecuador as well?"I said as I looked at Erick as he closed the front door slowly.

He jumped and turned around, he looked at me. His hand rested on his chest and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's just you."

"Yeah it's just me, should I be worry you came four hours later?"I said as I folded my arms against my chest. "I thought you jumped on the flight with Chris, seeing you two are joined at the hip."

"No matter how tempting it was not to jump on that plane with Chris, I didn't. I had something to do."Erick replied as he looked at me then he folded his arms against his chest. "Should I be worried why you are awake at this time?"

"Oh, you are going to go all protective dad role on me yet you came home four in the morning?"I said with a scoff as I looked at him.

"Well, I might as well because you aren't in bed are you? Why are you awake?"Erick questioned me with a questioning look on his face. "Is Cyrus causing problems or something?"

"Cyrus is fine."I replied with a shrug of my shoulder. "I can't go sleep so I'm going to make myself some hot cocoa."

"That isn't like you to be awake at time like this without Matt Bomer on the tv screen."Erick said as his hand rubbed the back of his neck.

I turned my back to him and turned my head over my shoulder, I looked at him. "Want some?"

"With marshmallows and whipped cream?"

"I think someone stole the marshmallows but I'll see if we got any."

Erick nodded then he looked at me. "Did you find that thing of yours?"

I looked at him and let out a sigh knowing what he was indicating to. "Nope, God knows how I'm going to go on this thing with Zabdiel."

"Don't worry it'll turn up."Erick said with a hopeful tone.

We both walked into the kitchen, I pulled out the powder from the cupboard and got two mugs out for me and Erick.

I put two scoops of powder in both mugs and let the warm milk boil a little on the hob, I turned around and looked at Erick. "So what have you been doing then?"

He looked up from his hands, me seeing him in the light able to see the love bites on his neck.

I let out a gasp and looked at him with a grin on my face. "Has someone been a naughty boy?"

Erick looked at me for a second with a what the fuck are you on about look then realised what I meant, he quickly placed his hand on top of them hiding them. "N-None of your b-business."

"You are lying, you've done something a vaccum didn't somehow appear and sucked your neck now did it?"

"Wait, that actually works?"Erick asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Stop being such a idiota and tell me what you've been doing."

Erick let out a sigh, I turned the hob off and looked at him. "Dime."

He looked at me. "I'm with someone, we made out but that's how far it went tonight."

"Who is this someone?"I asked with a grin on my face. "Anyone I know?"

"Her name is Hannah and we met when you know urm..."He trailed on but I nodded and smiled.

"I'm glad something good came out of it."I said with a soft chuckle. "So has anything else happened between you two?"

I wiggled my eyebrows at him then I turned around and poured the milk into the mugs then I picked up Erick's and handed it to me.

Erick took a sip of it and quickly put it down. "That's hot!"

"No shit, Sherlock!"

He rolled his eyes then looked at me. "Nothing much but can't say the same for you can I?"

"What are you on about?"I said in a dumb tone.

"Everyone hears you and Zabdiel on the weekends when you come back from your dates."Erick replied as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Just get married already!"

"Why do you look so great when you wiggle your eyebrows for?"

He grinned ear to ear and looked at me. "Because I was made by a goddess."

"And I forgot that is going to boost up your ego a little more."

Erick blew into his mug then looked up at me. "So when do I hear those wedding bells?"

"When I do see this Hannah girl?"

Joel walked into the kitchen, his hair everywhere and in his boxers. His eyes ever so droopy and sleepy.

He walked over to the sink and got himself a drink of water but his eyes were closed then he walked out of the room.

"Was he even awake?"Erick asked as he looked at the door.

"No I don't think so."

"Shit, what if he's sleepwalking?"Erick suggested as he got up from his seat. "We should wake him up."

I put my hands in the pockets of my robe and found a used tissue and threw it at him. "No, if we do that he can have a heart attack or something."

Erick picked up the tissue and looked at it. "Eww, what is on this?"

"My snot from my cold and if it's ew why are you holding it?"

Erick threw it on the floor and looked at me. "Chris's gone but yet there's another one right here."

I smiled sweetly and looked at him. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"You'll take everything as a compliment these days."Erick said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes I will."

Erick looked at me and smiled. "Things have been working out for us all haven't they?"

"Yeah they are."

"Hopefully it'll stay like that."

So here's the first chapter of the book, I hope you enjoyed it. So I have many ideas for this book and the layout of this is going to be weird but hopefully you all will still read it?

Im going to leave them as surprises but hopefully they won't be boring so I hope you enjoy this book like you did the others.

Thank you for reading

Besos 😘


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