Chapter 3

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Chris's P.O.V

Dad looked at me through the rear-view mirror with a smile on his face, I looked at him not wanting to smile back but to let my rage on him but I promised Amal I wouldn't.

"I missed you Chris."Carlo said with a smile on his face.

I looked at him and grinned. "Why? Because you can get some girls now?"

Carlo let out a laugh and looked outside the window. "Maybe."

"Chris!"Sophie yelled my name from the backseat. "How come you always take photos with Carlo and not me?"

"I always do take photo with the both of you."I said trying not to come in between the sibling rivalry.

"Well Jonathan always takes photos of you sophie!"Carlo said as he rolled his eyes at her. "And he takes you out everywhere."

Jonathan popped up his head from the backseat and looked at Carlo. "I do the same for you too!"

Carlo looked at Jonathan and stuck his tongue out. "I like Chris better than you!"

Sophie wrapped her arms around Jonathan's neck and stuck her tongue out at Carlo. "I love Jonathan more than Chris!"

I looked at Jonathan. "Are they even realising what they are saying?"

Jonathan shrugged his shoulders. "I rather not get involved only when it gets physical."

I looked at Sophie then back at Jonathan. "You trained your rotterwelier well did you?"

"I see that you haven't trained your pitbull every well have you?"

The car came to a stop and dad turned over his shoulder, he looked at us. "Time for Chris and Jonathan to go now, say your byes."

"No!"Sophie and Carlo yelled on the top of their lungs. "We don't want to say goodbye."

I looked at dad. "Why don't you come in with us? I need to talk to you and mum about something important."

"Yes dad! Let's go!"Carlo said as he fist bumped the air. "Mummy yenny always has the best treats out for us."

Dad nodded. "Fine, lets go then."

We got out of the car, Carlo took a hold of my hand and Jonathan decided to give Sophie a piggyback.

"What do you need to talk to them about?"Jonathan whispered as we walked up to the door.

"You'll see."

We knocked on the door and Abuela opened the door, she threw a dirty look to dad but hugged all of us four and we walked into the house.

I sat Sophie and Carlo with Abuela and told her that I need to do something with mum and dad and she compelled.

I walked into the kitchen to see mother behind the breakfast bar, Tia and Jonathan sat at the table feeding themselves on something and dad just stood in between the breakfast bar and the table.

"So what do you need to talk to us about?"Mum asked with a smile on her face.

"I know everything."

"Define everything."Dad said as he put his hands in his pocket.

"Me and Amal are back in touch with each other well actually we live together."I replied as I put my hands in my pocket and lifted my sunglasses off. "We are really amazing friends and we might be something mor-"

Dad cut me off and looked at me. "Son, there are many fishes in the sea. Don't just stay to one like that, how do you know she's the one?"

Mum let out a scoff and looked at dad. "You would know all about that wouldn't you?"

Tia looked at mum and dad. "Just listen to what the boy has to say, then have your argument after."

"Why didn't you tell me you were back in touch Amal for?"Jonathan asked as he looked at me. "I miss her too you know."

I looked at mum. "She's got a kid, his name is Cyrus and he's so cu-"

Dad cut me off again. "Is he yours though? Did you have a child with her?"

"Did you? Why didn't you tell us?"Mum added as she has a worried expression on her face.

"Guess I became a uncle a little too earlier then."Jonathan said with a soft chuckle.

"That means I've become a grandma at an early age too."Tia said with a chuckle.

"No it isn't mine, it's Zabdiel's but why would you have such a problem with me having a kid with her?"I said as I looked at mum and dad. "After all, her father wouldn't have a problem with it no else would and you said that it was okay if she was the one if you remember mum?"

"Chris, you never fill me in on anything."Jonathan said with a tut.

Mum let out a sigh and looked at me. "Mija, it isn't that it's jus-"

Dad cut mum off and looked at me. "You know everything don't you?"

"Why would i? That you and Marie had a secret affair when she was thirteen then Amal happened?"I answered with a hard cold glare. "That led her going crazy because you wouldn't take responsibility then she had to watched her child call someone else madre and padre? Then when she wanted to say it all, she couldn't because of all of you!"

"Look, don't talk about times that you don't understand."Dad said with a stern look on his face.

"That might work on those kids inside but that never will work on me!"I said as I looked at him with so much hatred on my face. "Because I know what you are and finally I seen it!"

"Don't you dare!"Dad said as his stern tone started to wear off on us all.

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I looked at everyone in the room. "You all knew I was in love with her, that she was my everything, that I wanted a future with her, that I would do anything for her! But you all couldn't be bother to tell me that she was my sister!"

"I wanted to but you and her were just in-"I cut mum off.

"Don't! Because you knew I wanted her, you were even in the room when her father gave me that ring to propose to her when we got together!"I yelled with so much rage in my voice. "I bet he didn't even know did he? But you, him and her mum knew didn't you? That's how it became to this! And you all still don't understand how much it hurts not having her, seeing her and you don't know how many nights I wished that Cyrus was mine that I wake up next to bed every morning but that'll never happen because what are we? Brother and sister."

Tears streamed down my face, dad looked at me with a disgust look. "You disgust me, taking interest in your sister."

Jonathan got up and looked at dad. "It's the other way around, you took advantage of Marie and I was dating her at that time, you were the reason why she couldn't see me anymore? I got blamed for getting her pregnant but I wished it stayed like that so she wouldn't have to know she has a father like you."

I took a few steps closer to dad and looked at him. "You disgust me."

I turned around and walked upstairs, I packed all my things then walked out of the house. I got a taxi and got in, then I pulled out my phone and called up Zabdiel.

"Hey, how's things there?"

"Just can you pick me up at the airport and I'll tell you all about it?"

"Yeah sure."

I know his name is Nathan but I call him Carlo because that name suits him better tbh, so please do tell me how the book is going! Is it okay? Please do tell me your opinions!

Thanks for reading!

Besos 😘


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