Chapter 16

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Next Day.

Amal's P.O.V

"Gino's here we go!"Aliyah yelled on the top of her lungs, fist bumping the air with a grin on her face.

Anouk turned over her shoulder and looked at Aliyah. "Aliyah, inside voice please."

Aliyah looked at Anouk for a second then looked at me. "Tia, can I get a dessert today?"


Anouk looked at me and let out a sigh. "Seriously Amal?"

"They derseve some sort of treat."I said as I took a turn and carried on driving to where we were going. "And they have been good so far."

"This is why I love you Tia."Aliyah said with a grin on her face.

"Thank you my baby."I said with a smug grin on my face and looked through the rearview mirror to see Cyrus sat there with an upset face just like Zabdiel has when he was upset.


He looked up and painted a smile on his face. "Yes mumma?"

"You are okay aren't you?"I asked him as I raised my eyebrow, hoping for him to say the truth.

Aliyah looked at him and nudged him indicating for him to say something, he looked at her then looked at me. "I'm fine mumma."

Anouk turned over her shoulder and looked at Cyrus. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "I'm fine."

Aliyah rolled her eyes at Cyrus and mumbled something under her breath. "Is wizard going to be there with us today?"

I let out a soft chuckle, her calling Maluma a wizard because she thinks he is one. "Yeah he is going to be there like every Thursday."

We reached to Gino's, I helped the kids get out of the car and we walked into the restaurant to see Maluma sat at our usual booth.

Aliyah and Cyrus ran to him and he pulled them into a tight hug then picked them up and twirled them around.

"Wizard stop it!"Aliyah screamed on the top of her lungs, slapping her hands against his back.

He let out a laugh and put them down. "How was school today?"He asked as he sat them down next to him, me and Anouk sat across them and looked at them.

Aliyah and Cyrus looked at each other for a second then Cyrus looked up at Maluma. "Good."He gave a short reply.

Maluma nodded and handed them both a menu. "Kids meal or something different today?"

"Can I have a grilled something?"Aliyah asked as she looked at Maluma.

"Yeah sure."He replied as his hand ruffled through her hair, she looked at him and let out a growl.

He moved his hand and looked down at his hand. "Erugh! Aliyah, how much things do you put in your hair? Father like daughter!"

Aliyah looked at Maluma. "No one told you to put your hand in my hair so next time don't put your hands where it doesn't belong."

Anouk looked at Aliyah. "Say sorry to Tio now, that's not very nice what you said."

Aliyah let out a sigh and looked up at Maluma. "I'm sorry wizard, I didn't mean to be rude."

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