Chapter 7

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Week after.

Amal's P.O.V

I looked down at my coffee cup to see it fill to the brim, I held Cyrus on my lap as we both looked at the tv.

Erick walked into the room and looked at me and Cyrus then sat down next to us, he looked at my coffee then looked at me. "Why haven't you drank your coffee?"

"I'm going to but it's hot."I replied as I turned my head to him. "Is today the meeting then?"

Erick nodded and reached out for Cyrus, Cyrus turned his head to him and looked at him for second then jumped in his arms. "Hey there Cyrus."

Chris walked in and looked at me. "Morning to you all."

"Morning."I said as I looked at Chris with a smile on my face.

Chris looked at me and chuckled then he looked at the tv then back at me. "No wonder you have a smile on your face, Matt Bomer is on the screen."

Zabdiel walked into the room, not being able to look at me and I looked down at the floor. "Taxi is outside waiting for us."

Erick let out a sigh and handed Cyrus to Zabdiel to say bye to him, Erick stood up and held up his thumb. "Look alright?"

"You look good, good luck I hope they choose your name!"

Chris smiled then Zabdiel gave Cyrus a kiss then handed him to me and he looked at the coffee then all three of them walked out of the living room hearing the front door close.

I looked at Cyrus. "It just me and you today mija."

He looked at me then laid his head on my chest indicating he wanted to go sleep. "You are such a sleepy baby."I said with a soft chuckle. "Just like your dad aren't you?"

Me and Zabdiel did end it but he decided he was going to stay at the house until he could get a place, I agreed to it but it was really weird between us both.

My phone pinged and I picked it up to see it was a message from Anouk.

Anouk~ Coming over. Guys aren't with us for the whole day! Yay!

Me~ waiting!

I put my phone down then the soft snores of Cyrus's filled up the room, I let out a laugh and looked at the tv watching him.

Twenty minutes later, Anouk walked into the living room with a massive smile on her face. "Hey!"

I quickly clicked pause and looked at her. "Hey." With a confused expression on my face.

She held up her keys in her hand. "Remember you gave me a set of keys?"

"Oh yeah."I said with a nod. "I gave you and the others."

She nodded then sat down next to me, she picked up the mug and took a sip of it then looked at me. "Your coffee?"

I nodded. "Yeah why?"

"You usually drink this in two glups, what's wrong with you today?"

"Cyrus here decided to wake up a little earlier then usual and I never had a chance to."I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

Anouk looked at me and let out a sigh. "Do I have to be worried about you?"

"No you don't and I'm not giving you a reason to either."

She nodded, ready to put it back on Anouk looked at me again. "Wait, Joel was talking yesterday saying how awkward things are around the house."

I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

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