Chapter 40

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Next Day.

Amal's P.O.V

"We have got everything haven't we?"I asked as I looked at everyone.

"Can you stop worrying please?"Joel replied as he looked at me. "We've got everything."

"And even if we do forget something, it's Dubai we can get things from there too."Chris added as he looked at me.

"You shouldn't of said that now because Amal is gunna think you left something."Anouk said as she rolled her eyes at Chris.

Zabdiel looked at me and took a hold of my hand. "We've got everything now stop worrying."

"Are you sure? I just want this trip to go well."

Zabdiel nodded. "It's going to go well, we are boarding in a few mintues and we'll be there in a few hours."


Erick let out a sigh as he sat down on the seats provided in the boarding area and looked at us. "Imagine if the plane ends up crashing."

"Fuck you Erick."Richard said as he rolled his eyes at him. "And those ugly eyes."

"Don't go dissing my amazing eyes just because you don't have nice eyes."Erick said as he rolled his eyes at him.

"Well who's got the wife and kid and who hasn't?"Richard said as he looked at Erick.

"No, No."Anouk said as she looked at the both of them. "This isn't happening today at all, we are going on this holiday in one piece and come back in one piece."

"No fighting, arguing or anything for a whole week."Gabby added as she looked at them. "You can kill each other off after it."

Cyrus looked at Zabdiel. "Daddy, I need to go the bathroom."

Zabdiel let out a sigh and let go of my hand, he looked at Cyrus. "Come on, let's go then."

Then him and Cyrus left, I let out a sigh as my back leaned against the wall.

Chris walked over to me and looked at me. "You okay?"

I nodded. "I just want to get on the plane and forget this place exist for a week."

"You are going to need more then a week."Chris said with a chuckle.

"Yeah I know."I said as my hands rested on my bump.

"Don't worry about anything because there's nothing to worry about."Chris said with a smile on his face.

I nodded at him, then the boarding number got called out telling us to get ready and get boarded onto the flight.

"Where's the hell has Zabdiel and Cyrus disappeared to?"Maluma asked as he looked at me and Chris.

"Bathroom."I replied as I looked at Maluma. "Cyrus needed it so he took him."

"They aren't going to be long anyway."Joel said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Just give it a few mintues."

Richard looked at Aliyah who was in Anouk's hands half asleep but half awake. "What's wrong baby?"

"Leave her alone Richard."Anouk replied as she looked at him. "She's sleeping, wouldn't blame her because I want to sleep myself."

"My queen and my princess can sleep all they want on the plane."Richard said as he kissed Anouk's forehead and Aliyah's.

People began to board the plane, then Zabdiel and Cyrus came running.

"Cyrus you are with me!"Erick said as he took a hold of his hand.

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