Chapter 44

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Amal's P.O.V

"I never knew the sun could be so strong."Anouk said as she sat herself down on the sand. "It's just so strong."

"The guys are just laughing at us, they are used to be out to things like this."Gabby said as she rolled her eyes at them who were way ahead of us.

I sat down on the sand, I scooped up a grains of sands in my hand then slowly let it fall back on the ground. "The tarodos don't think do they?"

"They should of thought about this trip to the desert properly."Anouk said as she let out a tut. "Booked it without even asking us."

"I'm not going to lie but it's a beautiful desert."Gabby said as her hands were pressed into the sand behind her back.

Aliyah was on Chris's shoulders and turned over her shoulder at us, she stuck her tongue at us and waved her arms in the air.

"Did she just stick her tongue at us? Or I'm seeing things?"Anouk asked as she looked at me and gabby.

I nodded. "She probably did."Gabby replied as she looked at Anouk.

"I would of loved this if Zabdiel didn't decide to put a child in me."I said as I looked at gabby and Anouk. "He isn't going through all the body changes and chiz."

"It takes two to do the tango."Gabby said as she looked at me.

"Richard just fucking watches, he isn't going to be putting any child in me at all for today."Anouk said as she curled her hand into a fist.

"Putting a child in me?"Gabby said with a hearty laugh.

"I don't even understand this, even Chris and Erick are doing it but we are sat here like lazy cows."Anouk said as she smashed her hand onto the sand. "The tarodos did us over."

"That surprised me as well."I added as I looked at Anouk. "Usually them two would sit down and say no."

"Someone's ears must be burning then!"Anouk yelled when she saw the guys walking back to us.

Gabby looked at me. "She's really angry isn't she?"

I nodded. "It's going to be full blast."

Richard looked at us. "We didn't want to leave you guys all alone in the middle of the desert."

"You did that for fucking ten minutes."Anouk said as she rolled her red at him. "So another hour or two wasn't going to hurt us."

"The tour guide said that a sandstorm was coming in like two hours as well."Erick added as Cyrus was on his shoulders with a grin on their faces.

"Rather be here with the sandstorm then go anywhere with you camecho."Anouk said as she rolled her eyes at Richard.

Joel looked at gabby. "We honestly thought you would come along with us."

"We didn't intend to leave you guys for long."Zabdiel added as he let out a sigh.

"Well you've got a pregnant wife you know."I said as I pointed at the bump. "It's kinda hard for her to walk long distances and to get up when she sits down on a floor."

"Yeah Zabdiel."Chris added as he rolled his eyes at Zabdiel, trying to act on our side.

"You are still in the shit too."Erick said as he looked at Chris.

"Who said you weren't?"Gabby said as she looked at Erick.

"Where's the tour guide?"I asked as I looked at them all in front of me.

"He was just behind us."Joel replied as he turned over his shoulder to see no one there.

"And now we are lost in the damn desert!"Anouk said with so much anger and rage in her voice. "This is just so fucking amazing."

"Fuck, I still have the sand from yesterday in my ears."Chris said as he touched his ears.

"No one cares."Joel said as he looked at Chris. "We've got big problems, we've lost our tour guide."

"This is just so fucking great."Anouk said as she clapped her hands at the guys. "You make us come to the desert then we lose our tour guide! It is so fucking amazing."

Zabdiel looked at Anouk. "Can you just tone it down with the swearing? The kids are here."

Anouk rolled her eyes at Zabdiel then looked at Richard. "You are going to die, if not by the sandstorm but by me."

She got up and turned around, she tried her best to walk as fast as she could away from us but it didn't work because she was walking slower making us laugh then she fell flat faced on the floor.

"Oh my fucking gosh."Chris said with a hearty laugh.

Richard quickly went after Anouk and calmed her down, Zabdiel sat down next to me and looked at me. "You okay?"

I nodded. "But I would of enjoyed this if I wasn't five months pregnant Zabdiel."

"Yeah I know, it was a stupid mistake."

"It isn't because Cyrus seems to enjoy it so does everyone else."I said with a soft chuckle. "But we'll do it again after when I've popped out the twins."

He nodded. "Yeah we will, I'll hold you to it."

"I know you will."

We kissed then pulled away from the disgust sounds that Chris and Erick were pulling.

Two people were walked towards us, I looked at them as they were coming to us and looked at Chris. "Can you see people or is it me?"

"That's it! Amal has been affected by the hallucinations."Joel said as he looked at me. "It's going to be the desert version of castaway."

"Wonder who's going to be Wilson."Erick joked with a smirk on our faces.

"Shit, people are actually coming over to us."Chris said as he looked at the people coming to us.

"Well he is the one with the glasses."Gabby said with a shrug of her shoulder. "So he is trustable."

Chris looked at gabby and grinned. "Did you call me trustable?"

"He's going to hold you to that for the rest of your life."Zabdiel said as he looked at gabby.

Cyrus and Aliyah looked at Chris. "Are you sure auntie gabby was saying it you?"Aliyah asked as she looked at Chris.

"Tio, you are trustable at sometimes."Cyrus added as he looked at Chris.

Chris let out a gasp and placed his hand on his heart. "My own nephew and niece, that hurts so much."

"You think he would be used to it by now."Erick said as he rolled his eyes.

Zabdiel wrapped his arm around my torso as I turned over my shoulder to see Richard and Anouk laid on the sand, just talking away about something.

I turned around to see a man in a white burqa and a red thing on his head looking at us. "Hello, couldn't help but see you people here."

Then a girl appeared from beside him and we all looked at her in shock.


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