Chapter 43

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Next Day.

Amal's P.O.V

"Yesterday was so fun with tios!"Cyrus yelled as he jumped onto Zabdiel's chest and sat down on it.

Zabdiel let out a groan and looked up at Cyrus. "Did you now? The beach was that fun?"

Cyrus nodded eagerly then he looked at me and smiled. "Mumma, can we do something today? Just us three?"

"Yeah sure."I replied with a smile on my face. "Just try keeping daddy awake."

Cyrus nodded then turned to Zabdiel, Cyrus stretched his legs out onto Zabdiel's body and Zabdiel wrapped his arms around Cyrus.

"Daddy, I'm so happy that you are staying with us for more time."Cyrus said as the side of his face pressed against Zabdiel's chest.

"I'm happy too bud."Zabdiel said as his free hand ruffled Cyrus's silky hair.

"I love you so much mumma and daddy."Cyrus said as he looked at me.

"We love you too."I said with a smile on my face. "Should we eat breakfast in bed today?"

Cyrus's eyes lit up and nodded. "Yes mumma, I want chocatle chip pancakes please."

Zabdiel looked at me. "We can't, we have the trip to the desert today."

"Oh, I forgot."

Zabdiel looked at Cyrus. "Bud, I'm going to have a shower and you get ready."

He nodded and pulled away from Zabdiel. "I will daddy."

Zabdiel kissed his cheek then got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom, I looked at Cyrus. "Do you want me to choose your clothes or yourself?"

"Myself."Cyrus replied with a grin on his face and ran to his suitcase.

I picked up my phone, ready to message Royce telling him that's we'll be at the airport for him tonight, an news alert popped up and I quickly clicked it to see it was about Royce.

'Latin Grammy singer Prince Royce has been found in his home, passed out and his lips turned purple. No one one knows at this point and is in citrical condition at hospital.'

I let out a gasp, my eyes brimmed with tears and quickly FaceTimed Maluma so I could know if he was lying or not.

The ring went through to see Maluma sat there with a sad expression on his face.

"Mal? Juan?"

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"Mal? Juan?"

Maluma looked up for a second and looked at me. "I guess you saw the thug about Royce then."

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