Chapter 6

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Chris looked at me and let out a sigh. "I'm not going to say it because it's took a toll on me and I don't want it to be the same for you."

"Just tell me Chris."

"Tell you what?"Erick said as he looked at us. "Why is no one telling us especially me anything for?"

Zabdiel looked at us both. "What's going on?"

I turned around to all of them and looked at them, Chris took a step and stood behind me. "When who shall not be named took me, Chris and k-Kat away, she did it for a reason to tell us the truth about when we grew up together."

"Hold it up for a second."Richard said as he looked at me and Chris. "You two knew each other before we all even met?"

Chris nodded. "Yeah, we grew up together."

Richard got up from his seat. "Didn't you think this was somewhat important to say?"Richard asked as he shrugged his shoulders and made a gesture with his hand. "Because I don't know maybe it actually is!"

Zabdiel looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"The reason wh-"

Chris cut me off and took a step by me. "Look, I begged her not to say anything because I didn't want you guys knowing."Chris lied as he looked at them.

Erick looked at him, knowing he was lying and he let out a sigh. "It was your life back then, you don't need to tell us if you don't want to."

"But in a relationship you are supposed to share everything."Zabdiel said as he looked at me.

"Zabdiel, I didn't tell you because that was back then and not now."I said as I looked at him. "And not like you told me everything did you?"

Zabdiel let out a scoff. "Seriously?"

"She's got a point."Joel said as he looked at Zabdiel. "But it was way before you two even met."

"You know what? This argument which is going to occur is total bullshit."Anouk said as she looked at us all then looked at me and Chris. "Just carry on telling us what happened."

"She told me that my father had something with her which ended my father's and mother's marriage."Chris said as he looked down at his fingers, I decided to sit down and Zabdiel stood up with his back leaned against the wall. "Then she told me that Amal is my sister because my father is her father, now when she told me that I was confused as fuck because Jonathan was with her at that time as well from what I heard because I was still cooking in my mum's stomach."

"So you two are brother and sister?"Erick asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"No they aren't."Joel replied as he rolled his eyes at Erick in annoyance.

"So you two aren't brother and sister then?"Erick questioned with a confusing look on his face.

"They are man!"Joel replied as he threw his hands in the air. "You have something on the sides of your head called ears you tarodo! Use them!"

"But you just told me tha-"

Richard looked at Erick. "Just listen and don't make yourself more of a tarodo then you already are."

Erick nodded then looked at Chris. "Carry on."

"So when I went home, I looked for answers but I didn't ask my parents directly, I just looked for clues."Chris contuined then he looked at me. "I even went to your mother's grave or should I call her that? I don't know but I did and there was nothing there like her headstone wasn't there anymore."

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I looked at him. "W-What?"

"It isn't there anymore nor is Cyrus or Alec's."Chris said as he let out a sigh.

"I-I don't understand, why would they be t-there for?"I asked as I looked at Chris. "Did you ask around at least?"

"Apparently, your dad I don't know whether to call him that called a few months ago to ask for them to be removed."Chris replied as he looked at me.

"That isn't r-right and he can't even speak properly."

"That's their special place, no one is going to take that away from them."Dad said as he looked at me.

Tears streamed down my face as I looked at him. "W-Why did they l-leave us for?"

"Because people have to leave one day and it was just their time to leave."

"I want them back."

Dad wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. "No one is going to take that place away from them or their stones because it's theirs and for us to remember them by."

"Promise to visit there everyday then?"


"He never kept that promise, we never went again."I said as tears streamed down my face. "I should of knew because he never kept his p-promises but I was hoping he would k-keep that one."

"Let's call it for a day."Anouk said as she let out a sigh. "It isn't fair look what's it's doing to her."

Chris looked at me, I wiped my tears away and looked at him. "Just carry on."

"Everyone knew except Jonathan, me and you of course also your father."Chris confessed as he looked at me, his eyes brimmed with tears.

He walked over to me and took a hold of my hand. "I'm so sorry that our whole childhood was a lie." Then he got up and left, we heard the front door closed.

Joel and Erick got up. "We are going to go after him."Erick said then they both left after him.

"That's why dad wasn't in the car at the time."I whispered as the tears trickled down my face. "Because he didn't know then he lost his mind a month after it."

Zabdiel walked over to me, Cyrus began to cry hearing it on the monitor. "We'll get him."Anouk said then her and Richard left.

Zabdiel hugged me then pulled away from the hug. "It'll be okay."

I looked at him, something just clicked in me as I looked at him. "I-I can't be with you r-right now."


"I'm s-so sorry Zabdiel, I can't be with y-you."I said as the tears wouldn't stop. "I'm going to ruin you, I can't be with you I'm so sorry."

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