Chapter 46

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Erick's P.O.V

I just looked at her as she walked in front of me in conversation with Amal and gabby.

Joel threw his arm around my neck and looked at me. "You just have to be patient."He whispered. "Because if you aren't, it'll just be pain and misery."

I looked at him. "Thanks Joel?"

"Your welcome."

"Tio! I want a piggyback!"Cyrus yelled on the top of his lungs, stood next to me holding my hand. "Please!"

I let out a soft chuckle and looked at Cyrus. "You sure?"

He nodded. "You give the best ones!"

I stopped in my tracks and knelt down for Cyrus to jump on my back, he did and wrapped his legs around my waist as I got up.

"You okay?"

He nodded. "Yes Tio."

I began to walk with Cyrus on my back, Amal began to slow down and began to walk next to me.

She looked at Cyrus. "Having a nice time on tio's back?"

Cyrus nodded. "Yes mumma."

"Is it a nice view from there?"Amal asked as she let out a soft chuckle.

"Yup!"Cyrus replied as he turned his head to the side to see the beach. "It looks so magnificent from here."

I looked at Amal and grinned. "He's got the paper-view!"

Amal punched my arm then let out a chuckle. She looked at me. "Don't act mute or nervous or anything because there isn't anything to be mute or nervous about."

I looked at Amal and let out a sigh. "What I'm supposed to do? She hurt me, me thinking that I could see her again like this has only made it worse."

"Talk to her."Amal said as she looked at me. "I know how you feel because I too was the same but you have to talk to her."

"What do you mean?"

"That guy you saw the other day remember? Me and him had something but instead he went off with someone else, that killed me more then anything but I got through it."Amal explained as she looked at me. "I didn't talk to him again but I saw myself so many times talking to him and it killed me everyday when I used to see him but I got through it by realising he's the best thing I never had."

"I don't understand where this is going though."

"Can't you see it? I was feeling the same as you but the situation is different because she's the best thing you'll ever have."

I looked at her in confusion for a second then realised what she meant and smiled. "I got it!"

She let out a soft chuckle. "Finally you got it! I was getting worried you know."

"I'm not like Zabdiel, it took him five hours to realise you were hiding in the bathroom."

"True but talk to her, you were going to go to a random's party just to talk to her so here is your chance."

I nodded. "You are right."


"I'm going to grab a taxi home."Hannah said as she looked at me and Chris.

"No, you aren't going to go at this late at night."Chris said sternly as he looked at Hannah.

"Chris, it's fine do-"

Chris cut her off and looked at her. "You can stay in my room but you have to give me twenty to fix my room."

"But where are you going to go sleep then?"

Chris threw his arm around my neck and looked at Hannah. "In mi amigo's room."

She let out a soft chuckle, Chris looked at her and smiled. "I'll be back in twenty."

She nodded then he left, silence sat between me and her as she looked down at the floor and I stared at the wall.

"Erick?"She said breaking the silence between us.

I turned my head to her and looked at her. "Yes?"

"Can we talk somewhere private?"Hannah asked as she looked at me with a hopeful expression on her face.

I nodded. "Yeah sure, there's a balcony out of my room is that fine?"

"Yeah that is, let's see the Dubai skyline as we talk."She said with a soft chuckle.

We walked to my room in utter silence, I opened my door and allowed her to walk in first then I walked in and closed the door behind myself.

She looked at the room and turned over her shoulder. "Surprisingly, your room is very tidy."

"Eh, what can I say?"I said with a soft chuckle as I shrugged my shoulders.

She pointed at the sliding door in front of her. "Is this the balcony?"

I nodded. "Yeah just open the door and walk in."

She nodded then slid the door open, she walked outside; looking ever so great, I walked outside and stood by the wall as I looked at her.

She looked at the view for a few seconds. "I live here but the view still takes my breath away."

"It's a really beautiful place."

She turned around and looked at me. "I'm so sorry for how everything turned out, I didn't want things to be like this and look at me now, I miss everything about you."She said as tears brimmed in her eyes. "I was being so stupid, I need you so much and being away from you kills me so much."

"Why did you leave then? Why? Because we could of sorted everything out, it wasn't going to take so long."

"Because I was scared!"

"Scared of what? Because you broke me!"I yelled raising my tone a little higher. "You broke me into a million pieces, you left me by a note saying I can't do this anymore! Do you know how much that kills? You were mi medicina! The reason why I woke up in the mornings, the reason why I saw a purpose to this life but you left me!"

"I didn't mean to, I just had to leave and this amazing job came up so I took it!"

I took a few steps forward to her and looked at her. "Do you know how much amazing job offers came up for me and the boys? How much times I deny it because of you?"

"Well I never asked you to, I never came in between your dreams because that's what you wanted to achieve."

"I wanted you, only just you! I want you but I can't anymore can I?"

She took a few steps forward as tears trickled down her face, she placed her hands on my chest and kissed my lips.

Giving a taste of what I craved so much since she left.

She pulled away from the kiss. "You can still have me if you want me."

I kissed her lips and pulled away, our forehead pressed against each other. "I want you."I whispered as I looked into the eyes I missed so much.

Hope you enjoyed!

There are many more chapters to come along! Just there will be slow updates as my exam is a week away hopefully I'll pass!

I'm doing a short story on Instagram on my CNCO fan account which is @all_about_CNCO and the story is something different for sure!

Thank you for reading!

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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