Chapter 13

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A few years after.

I let out a sigh as I sat down and looked down at my phone, wondering when Chris and Richard was going to call me back.

"Mumma!"Cyrus yelled on the top of his lungs running into the living room.

I looked up from my phone and looked at him. "Cyrus, why are you running around for? We've talked about this."

"Ease up on him."Maluma said as he walked into the room with his hands out shaped like claws then he looked at me."He wants to have fun with his Tio."

Cyrus looked at Maluma and stuck his tongue at him, Maluma cocked his head and looked at him. "No you didn't."

Cyrus put his hands on his hip and wiggled his head to one side and to another, Maluma ran and picked him up then twirled him around in the air.

Maluma stopped and his hand rested on Cyrus's back as Cyrus wrapped his arms around his neck. "Love you bud."

"Love you too Tio Juan."

Maluma let out a soft chuckle and looked at me. "What's up with you?"


Maluma looked at Cyrus then put him down. "Go and show me your things for tomorrow."

Cyrus nodded eagerly then ran off to get things to show Maluma, Maluma sat next to me and looked at me. "You are upset."

"That's the first time today he's actually excited for tomorrow."I replied as I smiled.

Maluma rested his hand on my knee and gave it a squeeze. "Díme, come on tell me."

I looked at him with glossy eyes. "I'm just upset over the fact I couldn't finish my honeymoon because of his career."I explained as I looked at him. "I'm upset because he isn't there when I wake up. I'm upset that my son doesn't want to start school without his uncles and his dad not being there. Im upset that my son wants his father to sing him to sleep and read him his favourite book but he isn't there to do that. Im upset that my son cries to himself every night for him and doesn't tell me but I know and I ask him and he just denies. I'm upset that I actually finally realised now that my life for me and my son is going to be revolved on Zabdi's career."

Maluma took a hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze. "It looks all tough and everything right now but it'll be okay for sure promise you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."I said as I looked at him then the FaceTime ringtone started to ring.

I looked at my phone to see it was Erick and I accepted it to see Richard doing something on something.

"Hey!"Erick voice boomed through the phone

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"Hey!"Erick voice boomed through the phone. "Richard became bored so he's doing this."

"Don't tell Anouk whatever you do!"Richard yelled as he was stuck in that position for a few seconds.

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