Chapter 33

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Next Day.

Amal's P.O.V

Zabdiel looked at me as he placed a takeaway cup on the table. "Got you this."

Then next to it, he placed a Choc-chip muffin. "And this."


"Are you okay?"Zabdiel asked as he looked at me. "You seem really down, and if you are down then I'm down."

"I'm fine."

Zabdiel sat down on the chair next to me, the one he slept on last night which seems so uncomfortable.

He took a hold of my hand and looked at me. "You can tell me anything."

I might as well just say it to him, last night we found out we were having twins and let's just say it's a really shock.

"I'm scared, it isn't going to be like the way it was with Cyrus."I confessed as I looked at Zabdiel. "It's going to be so different, we aren't going to have time to ourselves then we are going to lash out on each other and I can't do that, I really can't."

Zabdiel squeezed my hand. "You aren't the only one because I'm the same but this is normal to have jitters all about it due to it being all new to us."

"I know but I-i can't do it all a-alone."

"You aren't going to because I'm here okay and im not going away."

"YAY!"Chris and Erick screamed on the top of their lungs as they walked into the room holding balloons in their hands.

I let out a soft chuckle, just hearing them get along again and that made me so happy.

Chris and Erick walked over to me, they placed the balloons either side of me and smiled at me.

"Congrats!"Erick said with a smile on his face. "Now we've got two little Zabdi's and Amal's coming into the world."

"It's just so exciting!"Chris said with a soft chuckle. "I can't wait for it!"

"Congratulations!"Maluma said with a grin on his face as he walked into the room and looked at me. "Really great news."


"I've got the names sorted out for it."Erick said with a grin on his face. "Listen, you'll love these."


"If it's a boy and boy, you are going to call them Erick and Brian."Erick replied, Chris just looked at him with are you fucking serious look? And Maluma just let out a tut. "If it's a girl and boy, you are going to call them Erick and Ericka."

Chris looked at Erick. "Sorry, my niece isn't going to be called Ericka."

"You are just jealous that your name can't be turned into a girl's name."Erick said as he looked at Chris.

"It actually can, Christine or Chrissy."Chris said in a duh tone.

"Who's going to call their daughter Chrissy?"Erick asked as he rolled his eyes. "No one would."

"There's a model who married to John Legend called Chrissy Teigan."Chris replied with a grin on his face. "Therefore, you can."

"The twins aren't even born yet and you are guys are arguing over names."Zabdiel said with a soft chuckle.

"You can never start too early can you?"Erick said with a grin on his face.

"Eurghhhh Erick man!"I said as I looked at him with a what the fuck look.

Joel walked into the room with a grin on his face and threw his hands in the air. "I just came and made your life better."

"Someone seems really cheery today."Chris said with a smirk on his face.

Maluma looked at Joel then grinned from ear to ear and gave Joel a nudge. "You got some last night didn't you?"

Joel's cheeks crept up to the colour red then looked up at us all. "A gentleman never tells."

"Oooh he deffo got some last night!"Erick said with a smirk plastered on his face. "Congrats to you too, might have a Pimentel running around the place."

"We did use protection."Joel said with a stern look on his face. "Gabby doesn't want kids right now and I have to respect that."

"But remember, condoms do rip you know."Chris added as he raised his eyebrows.

I looked at Zabdiel and smiled. "We've got a really crazy family don't we?"

He nodded. "But we couldn't live without them could we?"

"They are our medicina for life for sure."I said with a soft chuckle.

"If you are going to give a sex Ed lesson right now Chris, I can't be bothered to hear it."Joel said as his hands rested on his hips. "I'm here for Amal not to be taught something I already know."

"Now we know where that banging was coming from last night."Maluma said as he grinned.

"Anouk and Richard were at last night too."Chris added as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Erick looked at Zabdiel. "Did you found out where they were last night?"

Zabdiel shrugged his shoulders. "Nope."He said popping the p. "I'll find out though."


"Mumma, you are okay aren't you?"Cyrus asked as he sat on my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck.

My hand rested on his back, I nodded and kissed his forehead. "I'm fine baby."

Cyrus hugged me tight, inhaling my scent then pulled away from the hug. "Mumma, I miss you."

"Miss you too."

Zabdiel walked in and looked at Cyrus with a devilish look. "Are you stealing mi amor away from me?"

Cyrus let out a laugh, Zabdiel walked over and picked up Cyrus from me.

He twirled him around then looked at Cyrus with a smile on his face. "Missed you so much bud."

"You too daddy."Cyrus said as he wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Me and your mumma love you so much and don't you ever forget that."Zabdiel said as he kissed Cyrus's cheek.

The doctor walked in, holding a clipboard in her hand and a disappointed expression on her face. She looked at me. "Amal, we jaw the test results back."


"You had potassium in your blood which caused this."She said as she let out a sigh. "Your water was spiked."


"It was spiked."

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