Chapter 37

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Gabby's P.O.V

Joel looked at me with a grin on his face as he stood by the door. "Morning."

I looked at him. "What the hell is going on?"

Joel shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what you are on about."

"If you don't tell me, tomorrow I'll be cutting off a strand of those curls."

"You wouldn't, you love those curls more then me!"

"Well Amal loved Zabdiel's hair but he went ahead and shaved it off, she said she likes it so I might as well?"

Joel let out a gasp and touched his hair. "Don't you dare gabby."

"Or what?"

Joel walked over to the bed, he sat down next to me and took a hold of my hands. He kissed my cheek then looked at me. "Whatever you do honey, don't cut my hair because I know you'll miss it more then me."

He slowly left a trail of kisses on my neck as I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him onto to me wanting more from him.

"This. Tshirt. Is. Coming. Off."I said inbetween the kisses as my hands rested underneath his tshirt, looking at him with such lust and love.

He grinned then pulled away from the kiss, as he took his tshirt off I bit my lip wanting him more and more by the second.

He put his hands above my shoulders and looked at me. "I love you."

"Show me then."

He let out a soft chuckle then kissed my lips ever so softly then brought his lips to my ear. "I'm gunna show you."He whispered. "Of how much I love you."


"Who's at the door?"I asked as I walked out of the bedroom, my legs ever so red and sore.

"This always happens to us when we are in shower."Joel muttered as he walked to the door of the studio apartment.

The door opened to see Richard and Chris stood there with Aliyah and Cyrus by them.

"We heard that you know."Chris said with a grin on his face. "You two mhmmm..."

"You are tarodo did you know that?"Joel asked in an annoyed tone as he rolled his eyes at Chris.

"Mate, you tell me everyday."Chris replied as he slapped Joel's shoulder and walked in.

Chris looked at me, standing by the bedroom door with Joel's tshirt on and a pair of shorts. "Gabby, a piece of advice I'm offering to you."

"Chris, what is it now?"

"If you don't want us to know that you and Joel were having sex, then maybe you should I don't know not wear shorts to show how sore you are."Chris said as he did weird hand gestures. "Or hide the hickeys that Joelito jalepeno gave you."

"Sex? Oh, were you and Tio wrestling?"Aliyah asked as she walked in and looked at me.

Richard let out a gasp and looked at her. "Aliyah!"

"What dad? Tio told me not to tell you, oh wa-"She said then looked at Joel. "Oops, sorry Tio."

Joel had an awkward expression on his face and looked down at the floor, Chris let out a tut and crossed his arms against his chest. "Naughty children."

"Aliyah and Cyrus, why don't you both sit and watch wreck it Ralph?"I asked as I looked at them. "You know where everything is, let me get changed then I'll make some chocatle covered popcorn!"

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