Chapter 51

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Anouk's P.O.V

"Could you at least tell me what everyone is planning for me?"Gabby asked as she sat herself down in the car.

I rolled my eyes at her as my hands rested on the side of the steering wheel. "Look, gabby it is a surprise. You just have to wait until we are home."

"I want to know though."Gabby said as she let out a sigh. "I can't do surprises."

"Well today you are going to be."I said as I turned the car's engine on and turned to her. "Now we are going home."

My phone began to ring, I picked it up from my bag and looked at it to see it was ringing from a unknown number.

Gabby looked at me. "Pick up the phone,why don't you?"

I nodded and clicked the answer button but pressed the speaker button for both of us two hear.

"Hello, is this the wife of Richard camecho?"The lady asked over the phone.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at gabby. "Why would she ask that for?"I whispered as I looked at gabby.

Gabby shrugged her shoulders and looked at me. "I don't know."She whispered.


"Oh sorry, yes this is she. What is this regarding?"

"Your husband, Richard camecho has been in a serious accident."She said over the phone, my heart began to sink.


"He's in a very serious condition, I advise you to come down as immediately as you can."

"O-Oh okay, but was a-anyone else with him?"

"Three other people but that is confidential."

My mind began to wonder off to who the other three people could be and how Richard was.

"I-Is he okay?"

"Ma'am, I'm not allowed to give any information like that over the phone."She said in a serious tone. "All I can say he's in a serious condition."

"Okay, I'll be on my way. St John's isn't it?"

"Yes it is."

Then she hung up, I looked at the phone in front of me and let out a sigh.

What if he was really bad?

Well she did say he was in serious condition.


What if he's on the edge to...

I quickly put my mind to stop to jump to conculsions, I had to get there first in order to know what is going on.

I began to drive, my eyes brimmed with tears as I drove.

"What if Joel was with them too?"Gabby asked as she let out a sigh.

"I-I don't know."I replied trying to stop myself from crying and breaking down.

"They wouldn't call me because I'm his girlfriend would they?"Gabby said as she pulled out her phone.

"I-I don't know."

"I should call him and see if he answers his phone."Gabby said as she called up Joel.

Tears slowly trickled down my face as I looked at the road in front of me, with Richard in my mind and all the moments we had with each other.

"I love you so much."Richard said as he held my hand and began to twirl me around. "You are my everything, don't you ever forget that."

I let out a soft chuckle as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, the twirling came to a stop.

"I love you so much."I said as my thumb stroked his cheek. "Without you, I wouldn't be the person who I'm today."

We kissed, he pulled away from the kiss and looked at me. "You'll never lose me, that's a promise."

"And you'll never lose me, that's a promise too."

"He isn't picking up his phone."Gabby said in a frantic tone. "What if he was with Richard then?"

Then Gabby's phone began to ring, she looked down at it then looked up. "Chris is calling me."

"A-Answer it."

She did, she looked down at the phone with a worried expression plastered on her face. "Chris?"

"Is Anouk with you right now?"Chris asked over the phone, trying to keep a calm tone.

I know how Chris works, I was with him for some time.

"Yeah she is."Gabby replied as she looked at the phone. "What is it?"

"I don't want this to ruin your day, you never kno-"

Chris cut off by Erick. "Don't say it like that, just say it to them."Erick said in the background.

"Richard, Joel, Amal and Hannah have been in an accident."Chris said over the phone as he let out a sigh. "We don't know what's going on just get but what the nurse has told us, a-apparently it i-isn't looking s-so good."

Tears trickled down my face rapidly as I stopped at a red light. "W-We are on our way."

"Just come down as quickest as you can but the doctor will be coming in twenty mintues to tell us about the states of them."Chris said over the phone.

"We are going to be there."Gabby said as she let out a sigh. "Make sure the doctor doesn't speak until we are there."

"We'll try, the kids are sorted out. Renato said he's going to pick them up and have them for the rest of the day."Chris added.


"See you in a few m-mintues then."Gabby said then she hung up on him.

She looked at him. "T-They are all going to be okay."She was trying to assure me but more making her own self believe it.

But something inside me was telling me that wasn't going to happen.


"If y-you put pins in his legs, that means he can't dance or walk at all."I said as I looked at Dr Andre in front of me. "I can't have that."

"It's the best chance we have to salvage his legs."Dr Andre said as he let out a sigh. "He'll be like that for a few months only."

"But that also means he'll have bad scarring therefore he won't do anything anymore."I said as my eyes brimmed with tears. "He won't be Richard anymore."

I looked at Richard, who was laid on the bed and attached to many machines.

His eyes closed with a breathing mask on him then I looked at the doctor as tears trickled down my face. "Is this the best shot he's got?"

"It is."Dr Andre replied with a nod. "It really is."

I turned around to Chris, he looked at me with his eyes blotchy and red then I pulled him into a tight hug.

He pulled away and looked at me as he rubbed my hand.

"What should I do?"

"Whatever is going to bring Richard back to us."Chris replied. "Because we all need him and we won't be able to live without him."

I nodded and turned to the doctor. "Do it but if any harm comes to him, I will kill you with my bare hands."

"You are welcome to that if anything goes wrong because nothing will."Dr Andre said as he looked at me with a smile.

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