Chapter 25

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Next Day.

Zabdiel's P.O.V

Chris looked at me as I held up the mirror for him to see his face. "I can't believe I have to wear fucking foundation right now."Chris muttered as he dabbed the foundation under his eye.

"I'm pretty sure you are applying it wrong."Joel said as he looked at Chris with a sigh. "You are supposed to be blend it."

"Just wait for Richard to come."I said as I looked at Chris. "He's better at this then any of us."

"Can't wait for Richard can I? Renato wants us ready in twenty."Chris said in a duh tone.

"It takes a few minutes to apply it on your face."Joel said as he looked at Chris then let out a soft chuckle. "After all it's you, you need more then usual people do."

"I'm gunna punch your ass in a mintue."Chris said as he rolled his eyes down then placed the weird dome sponge by him.

I let out a sigh and put the mirror down then looked at Chris. "Richard isn't going to be long, he's sorting Erick out."

Chris rolled his eyes at the mention of Erick then the door opened to see Richard walking into the room and looked at Chris. "You've made yourself look worse then you actually were."

"Well you should of came earlier then."Chris said with a scoff then pointed to his face. "This all wouldn't of happened if someone warned Riki about Erick."

Richard picked up the bottle of the foundation and looked at Chris. "You've already wasted half of Fenty foundation."

"Can you just do my face before Renato comes and kills me?"Chris said in an annoyed tone.

Richard rolled his eyes and picked up the dome sponge in his other hand, he looked at the sponge then looked at Chris. "What have you done to this beauty blender?"

"Can you stop asking stupid questions and just do my face?"Chris asked as he rolled his eyes again in annoyance. "And saying words that I don't understand?"

Richard let out a sigh and began on his face with his back turned to me, Joel looked at Richard who was ever so into doing Chris's face.

"I can't believe you used to watch your sister do make up."Joel said as he watched Richard's moves.

"Well I did because I was bored and like I said not many people liked me or yashua so I had nothing to do."Richard said then he stopped and looked at Chris. "Wait there."

Richard turned to me. "Where's that Mario spray that I gave to you the other day?"

"Chris wanted it so I gave it to him."I replied with a shrug of my shoulder.

He turned back around and looked at Chris. "I need it for it stay like that for the whole day."

Chris let out a sigh and pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to Richard. "Close your eyes."Richard commanded as he shook the bottle then Chris closed his eyes and sprayed it a few times on him.

Chris opened his eyes and looked at Richard. "Is it okay?"

"Perfect and you owe me dinner tonight."Richard said with a smile on his face.

A knock came from the door which was open to see the man who stands behind the front desk in the lobby stood there with a big cardboard box.

"Hello, this was addressed here to you."He said as he placed the cardboard box in front of him and looked at us. "It came with a note too."

Then placed a white evenlope on top of the box and nodded at us then turned around and walked away.

"Who could leave us this?"Joel questioned as he bit his lip.

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