Chapter 2

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Next Day

Amal's P.O.V

"I'm so glad the album and everything is done!"Joel said with a smile plastered on his face. "Finally!"

"Don't jinx it just yet."Richard said as he rolled his eyes and looked at Joel. "We still have that meeting with the label about what to call it."

"Let's just go for something original."Erick said with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Something original."Richard said as he looked at Erick. "Then think something original."

"You guys being like this isn't going to help is it?"I asked as I took a sip of my coffee. "So stop having a go at each other."

"What is wrong with you?"Joel asked as he looked at Richard. "Missing Chris or something?"

"I had a massive argument with Anouk."Richard replied as he let out a sigh.

"What was it about?"

"It was something stupid but I don't know if we could come back from it."Richard replied as he let out a another sigh, his hand ran down his blonde hair.

"If it's stupid, you can come back from it actually."Erick said as he looked at Richard.

"Don't give me shit Erick."Richard said as he looked at erick then looked at me. "I've been calling her and texting her but I've got nothing."

"Don't worry, I know her she'll be here in a few hours."

My phone pinged, I pulled it out of my pocket to see it was a picture from Chris.

Crisps~ Look who I'm with

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Crisps~ Look who I'm with....

Me~ Awwww!!!!! Wish I could be there with youse.

Crisps~ You had a chance you know...

Me~ You know why I didn't go, just have a lot of fun for me and you. Don't start on any of them either.

Crisps~ Yeah I know, I'll call you later.

Me~ Talk later

I looked up from my phone and put my phone back in my pocket, all three of them looked at me.

"What is wrong with you these days?"Richard asked as he looked at me. "Can you please tell us?"

"What are you on about?"

"You aren't okay, we know you Amal."Joel said as he let out a sigh. "You are hiding things from us."

"So are you Joelito, you have been sleepwalking."I said as I looked at him.

Joel looked at me and let out another sigh. "That'll be sorted but so do you."

"You are up in ridiculous hours of the night doing God knows what."Erick continued as he looked at me. "Bet Zabdiel doesn't even know because when he's asleep, he's asleep."

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