Chapter 29

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Next Day.

Amal's P.O.V

Zabdiel looked at me as my hand ran down his smooth curly hair, my legs entangled in his as his hand rested on my hip.

"Do you have to keep on feeling my hair every morning?"Zabdiel asked as he looked at me.

I nodded and grinned. "It's your fault for having amazing hair."

"Is it now?"Zabdiel said with a smirk on his face then swiftly brought me to hovered on top of me.

"Zabi!"I said as I let out a sigh and collapsed on his body on top of him.

I stretched my arms and legs on him. "The human you have put inside me has made me so uncomfortable in so many positions these days but this one feels great."

"No. No."Zabdiel said underneath me. "I can't e-even breath proper-rly right now."

"You not supposed to."I said with a cheeky smile on my face then slowly slid onto my side of the bed and looked at him. "How was that?"

He turned his head to me, he lifted my chin with his index finger. "Anything else but not that."He whispered then kissed my lips.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him. "You are happy aren't you?"

Zabdiel nodded as his arms snaked themselves around me. "Yes, why would you ask that?"

My index finger slowly trailed around his jaw as I looked at him. "Because all I want to do is making you happy."

"So do I but why did you ask that?"

"How else I'm going to know if you are happy or not then?"

My hand slowly brought themselves in Zabdiel's hair, Zabdiel looked up then looked at me. "My hair just had to be your obsession."

"There are many obsessions I have don't worry."

"There's a child present here."Zabdiel said with a soft chuckle. "Leave me to my imagination on that one."

I rolled my eyes at him and punched his arm, he let out a ow and rubbed his arm. "That hurt!"

"Punches are supposed to hurt, why do you think people punch people? They aren't not supposed to hurt."


My phone began to ring, I turned to the nightstand and picked up my phone to see it was Royce calling me.

Zabdiel got out of bed and looked at me. "Having a shower."

"Yeah for all eternity."I said as I answered the phone to see Royce there dressed up ever so nicely.

"I said as I answered the phone to see Royce there dressed up ever so nicely

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